Hello friends, I hope you are very well !! A moment ago I was talking with my sister about the exaggerated or dangerous attitudes of the fans with their favorite artists, making the topic of being a fan seem silly, and I just remembered a drama that we saw recently called: Her private life, where you expose situations related to the fact of being a fan of an artist, or person in itself, and it seemed like an excellent idea to tell you how it turned out, so let's get started!

Her Private Life
Her Private Life es un excelente dorama lanzado al aire en el 2019, y nos cuenta una muy completa y llamativa historia, y cuyos protagonistas son personajes peculiares, por un lado tenemos a Sung Duk-mi (Mi personaje favorito), es una curadora de arte con mucho talento y con un pasado artístico influyente en su actual trabajo, sin embargo gracias a su otra versión de si misma de una u otra forma termino perjudicando ese pasado artístico, Duk-mi es la fan #1 de Shin-an uno de los idols coreanos más populares del momento, y cuando digo fan número 1 es porque en serio es la fan número 1, tanto así que su fanatismo por Shin-an la ha hecho apartarse del mundo de las citas, ya que para ella, nadie es tan buen partido como su ídolo.
Her Private Life is an excellent drama released in 2019, and it tells us a very complete and striking story, and whose protagonists are peculiar characters, on the one hand we have Sung Duk-mi (My favorite character), she is a curator of Art with a lot of talent and an influential artistic past in her current work, however thanks to her other version of herself in one way or another she ended up damaging that artistic past, Duk-mi is the # 1 fan of Shin-an one of the most popular Korean idols of the moment, and when I say fan number 1 it is because she is seriously the fan number 1, so much so that her fanaticism for Shin-an has made her withdraw from the world of dating, since for her, nobody is as good a match as his idol.

Mientras tanto, Ryan Gold nuestro guapo protagonista es un excéntrico hombre que solía ser un gran artista, no le interesa la vida de las personas, realmente, no le importa nada, pero las vueltas de la vida lo hacen llegar a las puertas de la galería de arte en donde Duk-mi es curadora, desde el primer momento sus caracteres son dejan de chocar, es impresionante, pero cuando Ryan descubre la versión fan de Duk-mi (que les cuento, es un completo secreto, nadie sabe de su amor por el idol porque podría perjudicar su versión profesional), se siente atraído por descubrir el porqué de su comportamiento tan peculiar.
Meanwhile, Ryan Gold our handsome protagonist is an eccentric man who used to be a great artist, he is not interested in people's lives, really, he does not care about anything, but the turns of life make him arrive at the doors of the gallery of art where Duk-mi is a curator, from the first moment his characters stop colliding, it is impressive, but when Ryan discovers the fan version of Duk-mi (which I tell you, it is a complete secret, nobody knows of his love by the idol because it could harm his professional version), he is attracted to discover the reason for his peculiar behavior.
![[Photos] New Stills Added for the Korean Drama 'Her Private Life'.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/DQmearuvNVBJNHd1T64QDwG32qZLSanTVX49xzqJMRjVvzN/[Photos]%20New%20Stills%20Added%20for%20the%20Korean%20Drama%20'Her%20Private%20Life'.jpg)
Ambos con el pasar de los capítulos se van dando cuenta de que no son lo que habían imaginado y cuando gracias a un problema de fans la vida de Duk-mi corre peligro, comienzan una falsa relación para alejar la atención y el peligro de ella, sin contar, que como en toda serie romántica (o al menos en la mayoría) se terminarían involucrando más allá del plan principal.
Both with the passing of the chapters are realizing that they are not what they had imagined and when, thanks to a problem with fans, Duk-mi's life is in danger, they begin a false relationship to remove attention and danger from her, not to mention, that as in all romantic series (or at least in most) they would end up getting involved beyond the main plan.
Ryan y Duk-mi son una pareja muy hermosa, ambos se respetan, y tratan de entender su forma de ver la vida, hacen (con la ayuda del otro) las paces con sus heridas aún abiertas, y mejoran individualmente para así ser personas buenas para cada uno, es muy lindo realmente como se da la relación cuando aceptan sus sentimientos.
Ryan and Duk-mi are a very beautiful couple, they both respect each other, and try to understand their way of seeing life, they make peace (with the help of the other) with their still open wounds, and they improve individually to be good people. for each one, it is really very nice how the relationship occurs when they accept their feelings.

Her Private Life es un dorama precioso, no tengo queja alguna realmente, las historias secundarias encajan muy bien, y la trama escondida en la historia principal los dejará con la boca abierta y el corazón a mil por hora. Si quieren ver esta serie pueden encontrarla en Netflix o en Viki, no se arrepentirán de agregarla a su lista.
Her Private Life is a beautiful drama, I have no complaints really, the secondary stories fit very well, and the hidden plot in the main story will leave you with your mouths open and your hearts racing. If you want to see this series you can find it on Netflix or Viki, you will not regret adding it to your list.