With the arrival of Aftersun on Netflix I finally got the chance to watch it, I didn't remember anything about the movie, only that it was about a woman remembering a vacation she had with her father, otherwise, I was a blank page. I cried while trying not to cry because if I cried without trying to suppress it I wouldn't have been able to finish watching it. It affected me more than I would have expected, but everything affected me more than it should, so it wasn't a surprise.
Aftersun is a very simple film, very simple, well yes, what little I remembered sums up very well what it's about. Sophie, now in her adulthood, begins to remember a vacation she had with her father, through memories a little blurry and other memories invented, only we will not know the difference. So for more than an hour and a half, we will be reminiscing with Sophie about that week of vacation with her father, while we discover the man he was and the one she didn't know.

Con la llegada de Aftersun a Netflix finalmente tuve la oportunidad de verla, no recordaba nada de la película, solo que trataba de una mujer recordando unas vacaciones que tuvo con su padre, de resto, yo era una página en blanco. Lloré mientras intentaba no llorar, porque si lloraba sin intentar reprimirlo no hubiera podido terminar de verla. Me afectó más de lo que hubiera esperado, pero a mí todo me afecta más de lo que debería, así que no fue una sorpresa.
Aftersun es una película muy simple, muy sencilla, pues sí, lo poco que recordaba resume muy bien sobre lo que trata. Sophie, ya en su adultez, comienza a recordar unas vacaciones que tuvo con su padre, a través de recuerdos un poco borrosos y otros recuerdos inventados, solo que no sabremos la diferencia. Así que durante más de una hora y media estaremos remomorando junto a Sophie esa semana de vacaciones con su padre, mientras descubrimos el hombre que él era y el que ella no conocía.
This is not a movie for everyone, because it is slow, almost nothing happens, and what happens may leave you wondering if it is something important or not, so if you do not like this kind of movie, it is better not to watch it, because all the time we will be watching the screen calmly and slowly. It is a completely sad movie and it will reach moments where it will be unbearable how intense and depressive it is. Which made me love it more.
I imagined recommending this movie to someone and I laughed a lot because I would recommend it to them so they wouldn't see it. I knew they wouldn't like it, because I compared it to one of my favorite movies, which is A Ghost Story, and I knew that for that person these two movies would be the same, so I knew that in no universe would they get to see them in their entirety.

Esta no es un película para todo el mundo, pues es lenta, casi nada sucede, y lo que sucede puede llegar a dejarles preguntándose si es algo importante o no, así que, si no les gustan este tipo de películas, es mejor que no la vean, porque todo el rato estaremos viendo a la pantalla con calma y lentitud. Es una película completamente melancólica y llegará a momentos donde será insoportable la intensidad y lo depresiva que es. Cosa que me hizo amarla más.
Me imaginé recomendándole esta película a alguien y me reí mucho, porque se la recomendaría para que no lo viera, porque sabía que no le iba a gustar, pues la comparé con una de mis películas favoritas, que es A Ghost Story, y sé que para esa persona estas dos películas serían iguales, por lo que sabía que en ningún universo llegaría a verlas completas.
Very little happens in this film, but what happens either affects you greatly or leaves you in total indifference, there is no middle ground. A lot of the things that are going to happen are going to be dialogues between Sophie and Calum, who is her father, and those dialogues are going to leave us in complete devastation because little by little they are going to put on the table the reasons why Sophie remembers these moments. Once that idea enters our minds, it's impossible to get out of there.
Paul Mescal as Calum played the role too exceptionally well, there wasn't a thing he did that didn't get a reaction out of me, either with a smile or an endless urge to hug him and cry for all eternity. Frankie Corio did just as exceptional, she was a girl being a girl, all her dialogue was done to perfection and her facial expressions always matched, from all the good things she said to all the bad things she could say, which were less than fifteen words, but those fifteen words destroyed my existence.

Muy pocas cosas suceden en esta película, pero lo que sucede te afecta en sobremanera o te deja en total indiferencia, no hay punto medie. Muchas de las cosas que van a suceder serán diálogos entre Sophie y Calum, que es su padre, y esos diálogos nos van a dejar en completa devastación porque poco a poco nos van a poner sobre la mesa las razones de que Sophie esté recordando estos momentos, y una vez esa idea entra en nuestras mentes, es imposible que salga de ahí.
Paul Mescal como Calum hizo un papel demasiado excepcional, no había cosa que hiciera que no sacara una reacción de mi parte, ya sea con una sonrisa o con unas ganas infinitas de abrazarlo y llorar por toda la eternidad. Frankie Corio lo hizo igual de excepcional, fue una niña siendo una niña, todos sus diálogos los hizo a la perfección y sus expresiones faciales siempre concordaban, desde todo lo bueno que decía, hasta todo lo malo que podía llegar a decir, que fueron menos de quince palabras, pero esas quince palabras destruyeron por completo mi existencia.
I want and am going to watch this movie again because not only do I need to see it and cry again, but I want to reanalyze everything again because no matter how little meaning the things that happen individually have, as a whole, in the end, they come to have great importance and increase the feeling of disassociation and nostalgia, leaving us with a feeling of great existential emptiness, where only a hug is needed.
For that reason I do not share with you a trailer on this occasion, instead, I leave you this image of Sophie hugging her father because it perfectly reflects the state in which we can be at the end of watching the movie. It perfectly reflects the state of Sophie as an adult while she is remembering everything that happened. So, nothing, I am grateful to have seen Aftersun after such a long time, because before it would have left me in a worse state than I am in right now.

Quiero y voy a volver a ver esta película, pues no solo necesito verla y llorar de nuevo, si no que quiero volver a analizas todo otra vez, pues por muy poco significado que tengan las cosas que suceden individualmente, en conjunto, al final, llegan a tener una gran importancia y aumentan la sensación de desasociego y nostalgia, dejándonos con una sensación de vacío existencial muy grande, donde solo se necesita es un abrazo.
Por esa misma razón no comparto cn ustedes un trailer en esta ocación, a cambio les dejo esta imagen de Sophie abrazando a su padre, pues refleja a la perfección el estado en el que podemos estar al terminar de ver la película. Refleja a la perfección el estado de Sophie adulta mientras está recordando todo lo sucedido. Así que, nada, agradezco haber visto Aftersun después de tanto tiempo, porque antes me hubiera dejado en un peor estado del que me encuentro ahora mismo.

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There are certain things that are so simple and so powerful like a smile from a kid, I can be very mad and if my kids approach me during that time some how it goes away, same thing when you are sad and some one gives you a hug all of the sudden you start to feel a little better, none of this are the solution to problems or a cure but there is something special about it that generate this emotions of satisfaction, its incredible how the human brain works
Yes, the simplicity itself is so powerful. Something so small can change a lot, and we don't realize it sometimes.
Now I'm eager to watch this movie. I'll try my best not to cry though.
Hope you like it!! It is okay to cry tho.
My father died when I was very young and I don't remember ever receiving a hug from him. Seeing this picture and this movie review brought back memories I wish I had.
I'm so sorry to read that. I don't know if tell you to watch it ir not to watch it. The movie is simple, but so powerful and moving. That's something that also happens here, some of the memories are real and some don't, but we don't know which one is real and which one isn't. So, yeah, you could probably connect really deep with it. There are a lot of moments between father and daughter that a lot of people whish they had, but for different reasons they don't. It is really a wonderful movie.
I need to watch this movie as soon as possible.
Hope you do it and like it.
Muy interesante esta película Gracias por recomendarla la notaré para verla después.
De nada, ojalá puedas verla y disfrutarla.