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RE: Announcing The Movies & TV Shows Community Badge!

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Wow! estoy tan feliz!!!! por esta valiosa sorpresa, hoy amanecí con la insignia y pensaba que era fruto de mi imaginación, luego revise y me di cuenta que si era real, quiero agradecer a todo el equipo que conforma esta maravillosa comunidad que cada día nos brinda la oportunidad de poder compartir nuestra opinión sobre películas y programas de tv con la comunidad, gracias por tomarme en cuenta para recibir esta insignia, para mi es un gran honor que me motiva a seguir cada día compartiendo contenido e interactuando con toda la comunidad de Movies & TV Shows. Es primera vez que recibo una insignia, que emoción!!! Graciasssss!!!

wow! I'm so happy!!!! for this valuable surprise, today I woke up with the badge and I thought it was the product of my imagination, then I checked and realized that it was real, I want to thank the entire team that makes up this wonderful community that every day gives us the opportunity to be able to share our opinion about movies and TV shows with the community, thank you for considering me to receive this badge, for me it is a great honor that motivates me to continue sharing content and interacting with the entire Movies & TV Shows community every day. It's the first time I've received a badge, what a thrill!!! Thanksssss!!!

 3 years ago  

We love that you like the badge. you are an expert in doramas and you are constant posting in the community. You deserve it! We hope to see you also active on the discord, so we can talk about movies or participate in future live activities.

Thank you very much, although I am not an expert but I like them very much hehehehehe and of course I will do my best to participate in discord with you and share much more about movies, I thank you very much.