4 interesting movies that I’ve watched recently

in Movies & TV Shows4 years ago (edited)


What I’ve been watching

The last week has been a total freeze over here in most of the USA; this includes where I live in WV. There hasn’t been many reasons to go outside here lately, this has increased my time spent watching movies. Plus add in the fact that @flowerbaby has been staying with me a lot more since the power has been out at her family’s house. She and I have been spending a lot of time cuddled up in bed watching films together.

It sometimes takes us quite awhile to find a movie that both of us agree on. One thing is for sure, there is an endless amount of options between all of the different streaming platforms. We use Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video for our movies and tv shows.

Let’s take a look at four movies that @flowerbaby and I have watched together here recently. All of these are titles that I had never heard of before stumbling upon them while scrolling through the various options to stream.


The Aeronauts (2019)

A balloon pilot and a scientist find themselves in a fight for survival while attempting to make discoveries in a gas balloon in the 1860s.

I found this unique story by searching on Prime Video for all of the movies that were available in UHD. Typically we like to watch our movies in bed, but this one we were watching in the living room on my nee 4K TV. When we watch out there, I always try to find a movie that is available in 4K/UHD. Luckily Prime Video makes it fairly easy to determine which movies you can stream in this format and they don’t make you pay extra to do so.

@flowerbaby was working on making necklaces throughout this entire movie, that’s why we were in the living room. She still watched most of what happened, but I was definitely playing closer attention since it was my only focus at the time.

I am so glad we watched this one in 4K, the environments were absolutely gorgeous. I felt like I was going on a real hot air balloon ride for the first time, slowly ascending through the different layers of the atmosphere. It’s crazy to think that at one time people really had no clue what to expect when going high into the sky. Those who were some of the first to go over 20,000 ft into the air truly were brave.

This movie is totally worth watching, although it does have its slow moments. The exhilarating periods when chaos in the sky begins to occur are unlike anything I’ve seen in a movie before.



You’re Next (2011)

When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of the victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back.

@flowerbaby loves her scary movies. This one was a pretty good slasher that was full of surprises. Hard to catch my girl off guard though, she called pretty much everything that occurred in this one.

A happy couple goes to visit family together for the first time. The house that they are all meeting in is a huge mansion, the family is extremely well off. Once everyone arrives there are a total of five couples, each one distinctly different. There is a ton of family drama in no time. Eventually they are forced to try their best to work together to survive a group of killers that appear to be targeting the family for a specific reason.

The murders are pretty brutal, which my sick mind very much enjoyed. Many characters die right in front of their family and others scathe by out of pure luck. You’ll be surprised to find out which one has the skills to survive and outmaneuver all of the danger.

I’d say out of everything on this list, this one was the lowest quality. Not just because it was older either, the actors just weren’t the best. That doesn’t make the movie unbearable though. I’d still say I’m glad we watched this one together.



Chronical: 2067 (2020)

A man takes a quantum leap to the future to save a dying world where pure oxygen is being sold due to its rarity.

Sci-fi is my favorite genre, it’s a great way to fill my mind with crazy ideas for how the future may be. 2067 is actually the movie that inspired my current Hive challenge. It’s a film set almost 50 years into the future. It’s a reality where things have went bad instead of good.

There have been many technological advances in this setting, such as flying cars. However one thing that hasn’t been cared for is the environment. Oxygen is lacking and many are dying of a new lung disease. Oxygen is now viewed as a commodity and sells only to those who can afford it, but work is hard to find. Only the lucky few can obtain clean air.

It’s up to Ethan Whyte to go through a time traveling worm hole called “Chronicle” to make contact with those who sent a message to a team of scientists. This coded message translated to “Send Ethan Whyte”.

It pretty much always makes me happy to watch a movie presenting the idea of how the future will be. The city that 2067 was set in was really cool. Eth’s apartment was so futuristic. His attitude however was really annoying. He was such cry baby, so be prepared.

This wasn’t the best sci-fi movie ever, but it wasn’t terrible either. If you’re bored then it is worth watching, but don’t expect it to be on the high level of something such as Jupiter Ascending.



Possessor (2020)

A female agent works for a secretive organization that uses brain-implant technology to inhabit other people's bodies driving them to commit assassinations for high-paying clients.

I just watched this one last night after I selected it. The synopsis sounded so bad ass to me. I look action movies with assassins and I also love the idea of future tech. Controlling the body of another person is a totally obscure idea, but totally something that could happen eventually.

Right from the start this film gets bloody. They waste no time showing the capabilities of this new type of remote controlling. There aren’t as many different assassinations as I was expecting, but the few that were shown were brutal enough for me.

One thing that totally surprised me about this was the company that Colin (one of the people who were “possessed”) works at. It’s a data collection company who spies on people through their webcams. You will be very shocked at some of the things that are shown. Do you ever wonder how your smartphone knows what ads to show you? This movie will give you a chilling explanation as to how. Maybe you will be more careful about accepting those terms of service in the future after watching this movie.

I think this was my favorite out of all four of these movies. It wasn’t necessarily the most high quality, but it was for sure the most thought provoking. This made me very happy that I actually took the time to watch this, although I was so sleepy that I missed the ending.



Some will love and some will hate

If I only watched movies based on the reviews that they received, then I would have missed out on many great films over the years. Not everyone has the same taste and I for sure like many things that others have an extreme distaste for; I have a wide range of what I find acceptable and worth watching. You may agree with my recommendations of these four flix, but don’t come yelling at me if you do not enjoy them.

Thanks for checking out my blog 😎🤝

Hopefully at least one of these movies ends I’m being something you are happy to take the time to sit through.


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Orca Artwork by: @jesusmedit

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Seems like a plan what to watch in the weekend coming up :D

I think you'll enjoy at least one of these 😁

Haha, is that so obvious? ☺️

I haven't seen any of these. I did download Possessor and was really excited about it but the file format didn't work on my TV. Now that you have said it is worth it, I'll try another format. The other films, I have never heard of so... thanks for that.

I did the digging for you. Now enjoy your glorious new hole, I mean awesome movies 😜

Nice summaries :). I've watched two of the four.

Which ones have you seen and what did you think of them?

You're Next and Possessor. Can't say they made that big of an impact. Possessor was intersting to say the least.

This was a great breakdown of the 4 movies. I might have to check out some of them. I am a little surprised that Aeronauts had some intense parts. It seemed boring in the trailers I saw. Never judge a book by its cover I guess. Thanks for sharing.

I didn't expect to be on edge at all either during Aeronauts, but they really did a great job of making some situations feel very real. Vertigo is in full effect. Some parts were slow, but the special moments were really worth it.

Thanks I'll have to check it out some time. I don't usually have a lot of time to watch movies, but the other day, I happened to watch two, The Outpost and Mosul, both pretty intense.

If I have free time I usually pick video games over movies. That is often different whenever I'm with my girlfriend.

I believe I would love chronical as I so much love science fiction movies.

Do you watch korean movies?.. There is one Korean - American sci-fic movie that I recently watched and was recently released by netflix. The name of the movie is space sweepers. You should watch if you haven't. I am sure you would love it.

You should give it a try, it's pretty cool. I also really loved Mute, which is set in a cyberpunk-like city in the future.

I enjoy foreign movies, but my girlfriend usually doesn’t. She’s who I watch most of my movies with. I may be able to convince her to watch Space Sweepers, but it’s a bit unlikely 😅

Space sweepers does not only have Koreans. It's a mixture between the Americans and Korean with some other countries but they speak English in the movie.

Oh wow, well if it's in English then yes I will be sure to watch it soon with her! Thanks for the recommendation.

Anytime brotherly...

These movies have caught my attention so I will take your recommendation and see them

Maybe you will end up loving one or more of these 🤩

I watched the first three (and they’re very good) and I’m curious about that last one, so I’ll put it on my list.

Make it 4 out of 4. You will be satisfied I do believe.