A spanish movie
A movie that makes you think
A movie that talks about the class struggle of society. Can we distribute resources equally or at least fairly, so that everyone takes his share, or does human nature have another opinion!!!
Questions that baffled philosophers and raised wars and political projects for that ..
Even when some tried to divide the food for fear that people would starve to death in the basements, they caused the death of others. Neither capitalism nor communism was able to save lives.
In the film, the woman tried to persuade them to divide the food, but they did not pay attention to her, and when the man violently attacked them to convince them, they began to respond. Here it appears to you that human nature is against equal distribution, and also when they went down to the lower floors to impose equal distribution they used violence and killed some, like some dictatorial regimes!!
My point of view
The capitalist system so far is the most just system in distributing wealth fairly, based on the principle that whoever works, innovates and learns gets what he deserves...
The social market system based on market consumption and the free movement of money depends mainly on the existence of a middle class that is affluent and capable of consumption, so this system indirectly creates a more prosperous, just and free society...
Is it perfect? No. But it is the best..
Will the blockchain world change the world?
Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
David Desola(screenplay by) (story by)
Pedro Rivero(screenplay by
فيلم المنصة ( الرأسمالية ام الاشتراكية ).
فيلم اسباني
فيلم يجعلك تفكر
فيلم يتحدث عن صراع طبقات المجتمع هل يمكننا توزيع الموارد بشكل متساوي او على الاقل بشكل عادل بحيث يأخذ كل شخص نصيبه ام ان الطبيعه البشرية لها رأي اخر !!!
اسئلة حيرت الفلاسفة وقامت لاجله الحروب والمشاريع السياسية ..
حتى عندما حاول البعض تقسييم الطعام مخافة أن يموت الناس جوعا في الأدوار السفلى تسببوا بموت الآخرين، لا الرأسمالية استطاعت أن تنقذ الأرواح ولا الشيوعية..
في الفيلم حاولت المرأة باقناعهم بتقسيم الاكل ولكن لم يعيروها اهتمام ، ولما عنفهم البطل بدأوا بالاستجابه ، هنا يظهر لك انه الطبيعة البشرية ضد التوزيع المتساوي ،، وايضا عندما نزلوا للادوار السفلى لفرض التوزيع المتساوي استخدموا العنف وقتلوا البعض ، مثل بعض الانظمة الديكتاتورية !!
**وجهة نظري **
ان النظام الرأسمالي حتى الأن هو أكتر الأنظمة عدلا في توزيع الثروات بشكل عادل من مبدأ من يعمل ويبدع ويتعلم ينال ما يستحق ...
نظام السوق الاجتماعي والقائم على الاستهلاك السوقي و حرية حركة الأموال يعتمد بشكل أساسي على وجود فئة متوسطة مرفهة قادرة على الاستهلاك ، لذا يخلق هذا النظام بشكل غير مباشر مجتمع أكثر رفاهية و عدلا و حرية ...
هل هو مثالي ؟ لا. لكنه أفضل الموجود ..
هل عالم البلوكتشاين سيغير العالم !!
المخرج: جالدر جازتيلو أوروتيا
ديفيد ديسولا (سيناريو) (قصة)
بيدرو ريفيرو (سيناريو
Cryptocurrency is already changing people's lives. Mine too. I live with multiple disabilities under the local minimum wage in Hungary, and I strongly believe that I will get out of the financial discrimination with the help of cryptocurrency. This (cryptocurrency) is a revolutionary thing, and it already helped me a lot, including making me able to financially get through this winter. I do not know where I currently would be without the Hive blockchain. I am very grateful and very happy for all the help and support I receive from the Hive community.
Merry Christmas.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Really thanks my friend for your comment and it's really a revolutionary thing and will change the world. !LUV
To me this reminds me about fish market. I went there I was freaked out how normal it is for humans to cut fish. Its like survival of the fittest. I was shocked to see that.
Yes, our life is not different from any other beings life, Darwin's theory of evolution always applies to it. .
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