Sometimes it has happened to me, that I have fantasized about being in a different world, of course, I will not say the context, but something like that is what happens in this two-season series. Alice in The Borderland combines science fiction with human imagination, and takes us to a utopian world where survival through play is the supreme ideal.
Evidently when we notice a plot of games for survival, we can quickly move to the squid game - very popular nowadays - however, this story goes a little further, because it has another context, a little surreal but fantastic from my point of view. Although I can only use this adjective because I finished watching the series. Before the end I could not say it was fantastic.
I must say that the way the story has been told is excellent, so much so that it left me speechless with the ending. I didn't expect such a denouement, well, maybe a little, but not as masterful as they did.
En ocasiones me ha pasado, que he fantaseado con estar en un mundo diferente, claro está, no diré el contexto, pero algo así es lo que sucede en esta serie de dos temporadas. Alice in The Borderland combina la ciencia ficción con la imaginación humana, y nos traslada a un mundo utópico donde la supervivencia a través de los juego es el ideal supremo.
Evidentemente cuando notamos una trama de juegos para sobrevivir, rápidamente podemos trasladarnos al juego del calamar – muy sonada hoy día - sin embargo, esta historia va un poco más allá, porque tiene otro contexto, un poco surrealista pero fantástico desde mi punto de vista. Aunque solo puedo usar este adjetivo porque termine de ver la serie. Antes del final no podía decir que era fantástica.
Debo decir que la forma en como ha sido planteada la historia es excelente, tanto así que me dejo boquiabierto con el final. No me esperaba semejante desenlace, bueno, quizás un poco, pero no tan magistral como lo hicieron.

The point of Alice in The Borderland lies in man's reason to go on living. In short, it deals with a philosophical, even existential theme in a very dramatic way, it literally places all the characters on the brink of death, and as the story progresses we can see the resolution of each one, especially the main characters.
Initially I hesitated to watch it because I don't like movies about young people, however I have no complaints due to the good performances. I was even surprised by how well they interpreted their characters, so I have no doubt that I will see some of them in subsequent productions.
El punto de Alice in The Borderland radica en la razón del hombre para seguir viviendo. En pocas palabras, trata un tema filosófico, inclusive existencial de una forma muy dramática, literalmente coloca a todos los personajes al borde de la muerte, y a medida que va avanzando en la historia podemos ver la resolución de cada uno, sobre todo de los personajes principales.
Inicialmente dude en verla porque poco me gustan las películas de jóvenes, sin embargo no tengo quejas debido a sus buenas actuaciones. Incluso quede sorprendido por lo bien que interpretaron sus personajes, por lo que no me queda duda alguna que veré a algunos de ellos en posteriores producciones.

Another point to highlight are the scenarios where the story takes place. The series takes place in Japan, specifically in Shibuya and Tokyo, but the environment is apocalyptic, the land is inhospitable, devastated and in a state of pollution. To survive and eat the few inhabitants “players” have to hunt, take the little food available and move forward with scarce resources.
That complicated scenario quickly makes us see that surviving is difficult, and when they add the gaming theme, the series grabs its viewers. In fact in my case it was like that, I gave it a chance, and little by little it wrapped me up until I finished watching it.
It is disturbing to know how appealing this kind of stories can be. Perhaps because of the innate desire of human nature not to give up and keep going. I particularly like when these types of themes are dealt with, perhaps for others it will be just entertainment, but the reality is that Alice in The Borderland is a production designed to make the viewer think about what is the reason for its existence, and in that sense it is a production worth watching.
Otro punto a destacar son los escenarios donde se desarrolla la historia. La serie ocurre en Japón, específicamente en Shibuya y en Tokio, pero el ambiente es apocalíptico, la tierra esta inhóspita, devastada y en estado de contaminación. Para sobrevivir y comer los pocos habitantes “jugadores” tienen que cazar, tomar la poca comida disponible y seguir adelante con escasos recursos.
Ese escenario complicado rápidamente nos hace ver que sobrevivir es difícil, y cuando añaden la temática de los juegos, la serie atrapa a sus espectadores. De hecho en mi caso fue así, le di la oportunidad, y poco a poco me fue envolviendo hasta que termine de verla.
Es inquietante saber lo atrayente que pueden ser este tipo de historias. Quizás por el deseo innato de la naturaleza humana de no rendirse y seguir adelante. Particularmente me gusta cuando se tratan este tipo de temas, quizás para otros será solo entretenimiento, pero la realidad es que Alice in The Borderland es una producción diseñada para hacer pensar al espectador sobre cuál es el motivo de su existencia, y en ese sentido es una producción que vale la pena observar.

Thanks for reading / Gracias por leer
I remember watching this one last year with a big smile on my face during many of the games as I really liked how intentive they were. In my view, this is just by far the superior Series compared to Squid Game yet it never really got the same hype. I also really like that they are making a 3rd season even though the story was fully completed and told.
Well, I didn't know they were going to make a third season, but I will watch it even if the story is already completed.
I understand your smile because it really is very good, surprisingly good I would say, and loved that.
The comparison more than anything is because of the survival games, if you lose you die and all that. But yes, I agree that this one is much better in every way.