Hola, amigos cinéfilos, luego de una pausa para grabar videos. He regresado con ustedes para mostrarles mi última reseña: SPENCER. La película que nos habla sobre la última temporada que vivió Diana de Gales junto a la Familia Real tras notar la ruptura irreparable con su esposo el Príncipe Carlos.
Hello, fellow moviegoers, after a break to record videos. I'm back with you to show you my latest review: SPENCER. The movie that tells us about the last season that Diana of Wales lived with the Royal Family after noticing the irreparable breakup with her husband Prince Charles.
"Una fábula a partir de una tragedia".
This film has the seal and the mark of the talented director Pablo Larraín, who decided to do something risky with the family drama of royalty. And in the film we see a Diana completely alienated, out of her mind, deranged to such an extent that makes us doubt what is or is not real. And I think that was the intention. Although it is framed in the life of Princess Diana, there are elements such as Anne Boleyn that are fiction, perhaps also the detail of the jacket was fiction, among others. At the beginning of the film we are given the following message:
"A fable from a tragedy".
El soundtrack del filme me pareció chévere, bastante jovial y nostálgico en algunas partes mientras que en otros se profundizó el drama siendo bastante deep, rockera y digamos con tintes de oscuridad y locura.Algo muy experimental con sonidos diferentes de viento, cuervos, aves, lámparas, trompetas. Nos guiaba en la transición de las emociones de la princesa.
Las escenas sobre la comida fueron demasiado buenas. No lo comenté en el video, pero me parecieron maravillosas, la sincronización del equipo de chef y la meticulosidad de los detalles del menú. Claramente este era uno de los conflictos con los que lidiaba Diana.
I found the soundtrack of the film cool, quite jovial and nostalgic in some parts while in others it deepened the drama being quite deep, rock and let's say with tinges of darkness and madness. It guided us in the transition of the emotions of the princess. Something very experimental with different sounds of wind, crows, birds, lamps, trumpets.
The scenes about food were too good. I didn't comment on it in the video, but I thought they were wonderful, the timing of the chef team and the meticulousness of the menu details. Clearly this was one of the conflicts Diana was dealing with.
Como dije en el video, esta es una película que me encantó. La volvería a ver muchas veces, porque es el tipo de pelis que me gusta. De época, de historia...biográfica. Así que se las recomiendo mucho, les hablaré más adelante de películas de este corte como Jackie.
As I said in the video, this is a movie that I loved. I would watch it again many times, because it's the kind of movie I like. Period, historical... biographical. So I highly recommend it, I will tell you more about this kind of movies like Jackie later on.
Mi reseña anterior:

Original content of my authorship, images, text, gifs, etc.
translation in deepl translate
Video editado en FilmoraX
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I still haven't been able to see Spencer. All the professional critics have praised the actress' work, but well, she didn't take the Golden Globe and was left out of other awards. Have to wait for the Oscar nominations to see if she gets nominated.
I like the films of the Chilean Larraín, although a miniseries he directed, based on a Stephen King novel was not to my liking. His films are full of symbolism and metaphors, even this film promotes it as a fable inspired of course by real events.
When I saw the trailer I was not convinced by Kristen Stewart, but I have to see the movie to make sure if I am convinced by her performance. The actress who played the young Diana in the series The Crown did very well and I have her image engraved in my mind. I trust the filmmaker has done a good job, but I think the film will not be to the taste of most viewers.
When I see it I will review it.
Yes, indeed the actress Emma Corrin did an excellent job in the series, in this footage it would have been a gem with her as well. I thought Kristen's work was beautiful, but between tastes and colors we don't know. But between tastes and colors we don't know, thanks for visiting, friend!
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