Hello everyone for some time I have been thinking about this post, in the world of anime there are all kinds of inspiring stories of characters that although they fall thousands of times always have the strength to get up and no doubt they inspire you a sea of emotions so you're a fan like me, let's see some of these amazing characters, without more to say let's start:
Hola a todos desde hace tiempo llevo pensando en este post, en el mundo del anime existen todo tipo de historias inspiradoras de personajes que aunque caen miles de veces siempre hayan la fuerza para levantarse y sin duda ellos te inspiran un mar de emociones así que eres un fan como yo, veamos algunos de estos increíbles personajes, sin mas que decir comencemos:
Izuku Midoriya
From the weak boy with no power to the hero who always saves the day, Izuku had a long way to go since he was a child he became a fan of All Might the greatest hero of all time and dreamed of being a hero just like him however he lacked something that the others had a Gift (power) this broke his heart and yet his fanaticism was so much that it did not take him long to make analysis of the powers and abilities of the other professional heroes who he admired and aspired to reach but after being saved by his hero and gaining the respect of this for the first time he hears the phrase he always wanted to hear: "You can be a hero".
Desde el débil chico sin ningún poder hasta el héroe que siempre salva el día, Izuku tuvo un largo camino que recorrer desde niño se volvió fan de All Might el mas grande héroe de todos los tiempos y soñaba en ser un héroe igual a el sin embargo carecía de algo que los demás tenían un Don (poder) esto le rompió el corazón y aun así su fanatismo era tanto que no tardo en hacer análisis de los poderes y habilidades de los demás héroes profesionales a quienes admiraba y aspiraba alcanzar pero después de ser salvado por su héroe y ganarse el respeto de este por primera vez escucha la frase que siempre quiso escuchar: "Tu puedes ser un héroe".
To achieve his dream he had to go through a hard training that gave him a complete transformation even so his path was quite hard since despite being a student like the others his Gift was so powerful that he always ended up getting hurt in the end he decided to change his focus and keep fighting for his dream, what I like most about this character is that no matter how bad the situation is he never takes a step back he stands firm doing everything he can to help his friends and save the day.
Para lograr su sueño tuvo que pasar un duro entrenamiento que le dio una completa transformación aun así su camino fue bastante duro puesto que pese a ser estudiante como los demás su Don era tan poderoso que siempre terminaba lastimado al final decidió cambiar su enfoque y seguir luchando por su sueño, lo que mas me gusta de este personaje es que sin importar que tan mala este la situación nunca da un paso hacia atrás se mantiene firme haciendo todo lo que puede para ayudar a sus amigos y salvar el día.
It's one thing to be poor and an orphan but to be the only person who can't use magic in a world where everyone has it is already crazy for Asta life was never easy since he was a child he dealt with discrimination because of his status and his inability to use magic however he had a dream to be a Wizard King the greatest position a wizard could ever aspire to however first he had to become a magical knight so he trained day and night to improve his physique but after an event that made him give up for the first time he witnessed how his talented magical knight was born. However first he had to become a magical knight so he trained day and night to improve his physique but after an event that made him surrender for the first time he witnessed how his talented adopted brother Yuno was imprisoned and being in trouble he declared to be his rival which reignited his flame and made the grimoire of anti-magic appear. magic, Since then both competed to see who would become the first Wizard King while Yuno remained the strongest, Asta trained and fought tirelessly earning the recognition of the members of his order and even those people who despised him demonstrating the benefits of never giving up although he is a complete airhead the way he earns the respect and recognition of others is quite inspiring plus his fights are quite exciting.
Una cosa es ser pobre y huérfano pero ser la única persona que no puede utilizar magia en un mundo donde todos la tienen eso ya es una locura para Asta la vida nunca fue fácil desde niño lidio con la discriminación por su estatus y su incapacidad de utilizar magia sin embargo tenia un sueño ser Rey mago el mas grande cargo que un mago puede llegar a aspirar sin embargo primero tenia que volverse caballero mágico por lo que entreno día y noche para mejorar su físico pero después de un evento que lo hizo rendirse por primera vez presencio como su talentoso hermano adoptivo Yuno era aprisionado y estando en problemas declaro ser su rival lo cual volvió a encender su llama e hizo aparecer el grimorio de anti-magia, desde entonces ambos compitieron por ver quien llegaba primero a ser Rey mago mientras que Yuno seguía siendo el mas fuerte, Asta entreno y combatió sin descanso ganándose el reconocimiento de los miembros de su orden e incluso de aquellas personas que lo despreciaron demostrando los beneficios de nunca rendirse aunque es un completo cabeza hueca la forma en que se gana el respeto y el reconocimiento los demás es bastante inspiradora ademas de que sus combates son bastante emocionantes.
Naruto Uzumaki
Being the boy who had a demon inside him and being despised for it was hard enough but being the weakest and the one who could never become a ninja was devastating, his life was full of torment but he always made others look at him with his antics so he decided to become Hokage, the most important ninja in the village, so that everyone would recognize him, everyone looked at him with disdain but he never hated them or held a grudge because there were people who accepted him for who he was and thanks to them he was able to move forward and become strong to fulfill his dream.
Ser el chico que encerraba un demonio en su interior y ser despreciado por ello ya era bastante difícil pero ser el mas débil y el que nunca podría convertirse en ninja era algo devastador, su vida estuvo llena de tormento pero siempre hacia que los demás lo miraran con sus payasadas así que para que todos lo reconocieran decidió ser Hokage el ninja mas importante de la aldea, todos lo miraban con desdén pero este nunca los odio o les guardo rencor pues había personas que lo aceptaron por quien era y gracias a ellos pudo salir adelante y volverse fuerte para cumplir su sueño.
What is most inspiring about this character is not his strength but that as he meets more people he manages to change them as he somehow manages to remove the darkness from their hearts not with supernatural powers but with his words and actions, many of us have gone through difficult situations but the fact that there are people who reach out to us and smile at us like fools like Naruto makes this world a better place.
Lo que mas inspira de este personaje no es su fuerza es que a medida que conoce a mas personas este logra cambiarlas ya que de alguna forma logra quitarles la oscuridad de sus corazones no con poderes sobrenaturales sino con sus palabras y acciones, muchas hemos pasado por situaciones difíciles pero el que existan personas que nos tiendan la mano y nos sonrían como tontos al igual que Naruto hace de este mundo un lugar mejor.
Tangiro Kamado
The story of the Demon Hunter Boy began in the mountains where he was a humble woodcutter who enjoyed a good sense of smell and lived quietly with his family but everything changes one day when he arrives home to find his family dead and his sister Nezuko turned into a demon but after impressing Giyū Tomioka a demon hunter who tried to kill Nezuko he sends him to his master who teaches him how to wield the sword and hunt demons, He is a very kind and gentle boy who travels with his sister in search of a cure for his condition, Tangiro becomes strong while fighting during the battle his opponent forces him to push his body to the limit making this a character who lives to overcome adversity another inspiring trait is that although he often feels great anger and disgust for his enemies in the end he is compassionate as he realizes that although they are monstrous beings it does not change the fact that they suffered a lot and deserve respect when they die.
La historia del Chico cazador de demonios comenzó en las montañas donde era un humilde leñador que gozaba de un buen olfato y vivía tranquilo con su familia pero todo cambia un día cuando al llegar a casa encuentra a su familia muerta y su hermana Nezuko convertida en demonio pero después de impresionar a Giyū Tomioka un cazador de demonios que intento matar a Nezuko este lo envía con su maestro quien le enseña a blandir la espada y cazar demonios, es un chico bastante amable y gentil que viaja con su hermana en busca de un cura para su condición, Tangiro se hace fuerte mientras combate durante la batalla su oponente lo obliga a llevar su cuerpo al limite haciendo de este un personaje que vive para superar la adversidad otro rasgo inspirador del es que aunque muchas veces siente gran ira y repulsión por sus enemigos al final este se muestra compasivo ya que se da cuenta que si bien son seres monstruosos no cambia el hecho de que sufrieron mucho y merecen respeto al morir.
Trunks from the future
I loved this character from the first time I saw him, being the only warrior in an apocalyptic future Trunks had to deal with the burden of seeing his world turned into ruins without being able to do anything and after losing his master in one of the saddest scenes of the anime was then that he became the definition of the word hope even when he traveled to the past to warn Goku of the approaching danger he decided to return to help him defeat the androids, his way of facing adversity is inspiring and even though he went through difficult times he always found the strength to move forward honoring those people who gave their lives for him.
Ame a este personaje desde la primera vez que lo vi, al ser el único guerrero en un futuro apocalíptico Trunks tuvo con lidiar con el peso de ver como su mundo era convertido en ruinas sin poder hacer nada y después de perder a su maestro en una de las escenas mas tristes del anime fue entonces que se convirtió en la definición de la palabra esperanza aun cuando viajo al pasado a prevenir a Goku del peligro que se acercaba decidió volver para ayudarlo a derrotar a los androides, su forma de enfrentar la adversidad es inspiradora y aunque paso por momentos difíciles siempre hallo la fuerza para seguir adelante honrando a aquellas personas que dieron su vida por el.
Kenichi Shirahama
If you like martial arts and comedy this anime is for you, being the weakest in his school and target of bullies he decides to enter Ryōzanpaku to become stronger although after defeating one of his bullies he soon ends up in the sights of all kinds of criminals who look for him to fight or to recruit him and in most cases he will do what he calls a "strategic retreat" to avoid fighting. What inspires me most about this character is the main message he gives us: "Even if you have no talent and no physical strength, martial arts are for all those who seek to overcome themselves, never give up in the face of adversity and that all the pain serves to push you to new horizons".
Si te gustan la artes marciales y la comedia este anime es para ti, siendo el mas débil de su escuela y objetivo de los matones decide entrar a Ryōzanpaku para volverse mas fuerte aunque después de derrotar a uno de sus hostigadores muy pronto termina en la mira de todo tipo de delincuentes que lo buscan para pelear o para reclutarlo y en la mayoría de las casos hará lo que el llama una "retirada estratégica" para evitar pelear. Lo que mas me inspira de este personaje es que el mensaje principal que nos da: "Aunque no tengas talento y tampoco fuerza física las artes marciales son para todos aquellos que busquen superarse a si mismos, nunca te rindas ante las adversidades y que todo el dolor sirva para impulsarte a nuevos horizontes".
Bell Cranel
Being a rookie is always difficult, you face the expectation of your superiors and your friends, now imagine that multiplied by 100 and you will understand what happened to the innocent Bell Cranel for a boy raised in the countryside who only started his career as an adventurer in order to meet a lot of girls, there is no doubt that he tried hard even though his motives were not always the most altruistic but to see how the rookie that everyone looked down on became stronger and stronger, is something impressive to see, this guy never ceases to amaze because no matter if he is on the ropes he always finds a way to bounce back and win the fight. What is most inspiring about this character is not his strength but with his compassion and way of being he wins the friendship and affection of many girls who in turn help him to be stronger either directly or indirectly.
Ser un novato siempre es difícil te enfrentas a la expectativa de tus superiores y de tus amigos ahora imagina eso multiplicado por 100 y entenderás lo que paso el inocente Bell Cranel para un chico criado en el campo que solo inicio su carrera como aventurero para poder conocer a muchas chicas, no hay duda que se esforzó mucho aunque sus motivos no eran siempre los mas altruistas pero el ver como el novato al que todos menospreciaban se hacia mas y mas fuerte, es algo impresionante de ver, este chico nunca deja de sorprender por que sin importar si esta contra las cuerdas el siempre halla la forma de remontar y ganar la pelea. Lo que mas inspira de este personaje no es su fuerza sino que con su compasión y forma de ser se gana la amistad y el afecto de muchas chicas que a su vez lo ayudan a ser mas fuerte ya sea directa o indirectamente.
Takemichi Hanagaki
I know I've told you about weak characters that become strong but in this case it's not like that, Takemichi was a former high school delinquent who after being pushed onto the train tracks returns to his teenage years where he decides to join the Tokyo Manji gang in order to save his girlfriend who dies in the future, the anime is full of inspiring moments that make you see how being weak does not give you the right to give up or be intimidated by others, our protagonist is a hopeless crybaby but as the story progresses his will and conviction become stronger and stronger even though he is still weak he does not hesitate to fight and help his friends when they need it.
Se que les he hablado de personajes débiles que se vuelven fuertes pero en este caso no es así, Takemichi era un antiguo delincuente de secundaria que después de ser empujado a las vías del tren regresa a su adolescencia en donde decide unirse a la banda Tokyo Manji para poder salvar a su novia quien muere en el futuro, el anime esta lleno de momentos inspiradores que te hacen ver como el ser débil no te da derecho a rendirte o dejarte intimidar por los demás, nuestro protagonista es un llorón sin remedio pero a medida avanza la historia su voluntad y convicción se hacen cada vez mas fuerte aunque el sigue siendo débil no duda en pelear y ayudar a sus amigos cuando lo necesiten.
Endo Mamoru/Mark Evans
For this smiling goalkeeper there are two very important things, soccer and his friends being a soccer lover since he was a child his biggest dream was to enroll in Raimon High School and play soccer however this was not easy since there was no soccer club at the school but after starting a team from scratch the legendary goalkeeper's story was about to begin, his energy is contagious and his love for soccer is inspiring, being able to make friends quickly with an unwavering passion for the game for this boy there is nothing impossible, his life is based on always training to be stronger and to be able to help his friends even off the field his positive attitude helps others creating an environment full of light, no matter how much he falls or loses he will always find the strength to get up and encourage his friends to keep playing definitely a true sunshine.
Para este portero sonriente hay doy cosas muy importantes, el fútbol y sus amigos siendo amante del fútbol desde niño su mas grande sueño era inscribirse en la preparatoria Raimon y jugar fútbol sin embargo esto no fue fácil puesto que no había un club de fútbol en la escuela pero después de iniciar un equipo desde cero la historia del legendario portero estaba a punto de comenzar, su energía es contagiosa y su amor por el fútbol es inspirador, siendo capaz de hacer amigos rápidamente con una inquebrantable pasión por el juego para este chico no hay nada imposible, su vida se basa en siempre entrenar para ser mas fuerte y poder ayudar a sus amigos incluso fuera de la cancha su actitud positiva ayuda a los demás creando un ambiente lleno de luz, por mucho que caiga o pierda siempre hallara la fuerza para levantarse y animar a sus amigos a seguir jugando definitivamente un autentico sol.
Being raised in an isolated tower by his friend Hugo, little Aladin only wanted one thing to go outside to explore the world, when he was allowed to make a wish he humbly asked his friend to travel with him, he is a very energetic and fun child being able to make friends with anyone easily unlike other protagonist he is a pacifist although he does not hesitate to fight to protect someone he is against taking sides in wars or killing, His greatest power is not the magic he possesses but his wisdom that even being very young is greater than that of many adults also has a great regret because he knows the truth of the world and although this is a great burden is still smiling for his friends and tries with all his strength that history never repeats itself again. What is most inspiring about this character is his determination, his kindness and above all his eagerness to explore the world, a feeling that many of us shared in our childhood and that we can relive thanks to this character.
Al ser criado en un torre aislada por su amigo Hugo el pequeño Aladin solo deseaba una cosa salir al exterior para poder explorar el mundo, cuando a este se le permitió pedir un deseo humildemente pidió que su amigo viajara con el, es un niño bastante enérgico y divertido siendo capaz de hacerse amigo de cualquiera con facilidad a diferencia de otros protagonista el es un pacifista aunque no duda en luchar para proteger a alguien esta en contra de tomar un bando en guerras o matar, su mayor poder no es la magia que posee sino su sabiduría que aun siendo muy joven es mayor a la de muchos adultos también posee un gran pesar pues conoce la verdad del mundo y aunque esta sea un gran carga sigue sonriendo por sus amigos e intenta con todas sus fuerzas que la historia jamas se vuelva a repetir. Lo que mas inspira de este personaje es su determinación, su bondad y sobre todo sus ansias de explorar el mundo sentimiento que muchos compartimos en nuestra infancia y que podemos revivir gracias a este personaje.
Besides these there are many more inspiring characters and I know I seem impartial but I talk about those characters that gave me hours of fun and joy, those just remembering them or seeing an image of them inspired me to move forward and no matter the fall always get up. I hope you liked my post, leave in the comments what other inspiring characters you like, maybe I will do a second part, see you next time.
Ademas de estos hay muchos mas personajes inspiradores y se que parezco imparcial pero hable de aquellos personajes que me regalaron horas de diversión y alegría, aquellos con solo recordarlos o ver una imagen de ellos me inspiraban a seguir adelante y sin importar la caída siempre levantarme. Espero les haya gustado mi post dejen en los comentarios que otros personajes inspiradores les gustan, tal vez haga una segunda parte, hasta la próxima.
I am an anime lover. I love Naruto because it an interesting anime. I did finish the series because it got to a point i lot interest it.
It is impossible for it to stop being interesting, even after 20 years I still watch every episode as if it were the first time.