Some time ago I saw Wild Robot and for some reason I didn't like it so much, I think that day I didn't pay too much attention but I just saw it again because my mom wanted to see it and at first I thought “Uff how boring I will have to see it again” I think it was the best I could do because this time I did pay more attention and I did feel that I connected a lot with the film and each of its characters, I even admit that I felt a lump in my throat in several scenes and I realized how beautiful this movie is, it's been a long time since I saw something so wonderful and different, I think the first time I saw it I felt rejection because I was expecting a children's movie where comedy abounds and in this one there are moments that make you laugh but mostly touches more serious topics, so let's talk about Wild Robot.
Wild Robot is a film that begins showing us a natural landscape where a robot has just “activated” after being lost in a jungle, a rather rustic environment where every animal that is found along the way tries to damage it in some way or another, real and wild nature, where Roz tries to adapt with the passage of days and learn the language of animals to begin to fulfill their tasks, this robot is programmed to serve and therefore seeks some task that can meet in that strange place.
In a moment of action Roz falls on top of a duck's nest, where unfortunately ends up crushing all the eggs and the mother duck, but... one of the eggs survived and from here the movie starts to get really interesting.
Roz decides to take care of this egg until the little duckling is born and thus be able to fulfill at least this mission, however, everything changes when the duckling is born and begins to chase Roz, obviously believing that it is his mother since it was the first thing he saw when he came out of the shell, from this moment Roz with the help of a new friend who is a fox named Fink (who at first wanted to eat the egg by the way hahaha) decides to “raise” the duck as if it were one of her tasks and comply with feed him, teach him to swim and fly, it is here where the story begins to show us how a thing without feelings as would be a robot, begins to feel true love.
Although it's a robot I felt too identified with some scenes and dialogues, for example when brightbill wants to help her to build her house she says something like: “Your insignificant contribution won't help at all” and brightbill gets sad and that's when Roz decides to let him put little sticks hahaha, honestly it's true and it's something that happens to me a lot, my son always wants to help in the things I do and only delays the process, but as a mother I like him to get involved in things to make him happy and also make him feel important, I think that's something that's worth too much for any child.
Even though I feel that the movie fast forwarded from when brightbill was little until he reached “adolescence” so to speak, the movie knows how to keep the connection alive despite the short time we saw brightbill as a baby, without making too many spoilers, this movie shows how Roz sacrifices herself for her son, despite being a robot she manages to feel love and go beyond her programming, she can literally give her “life” or existence for brightbill, and that is where the beauty of this movie is because it shows us that a mother's love goes beyond anything.
Always after watching something I like, I like to watch some videos and curiosities about it and I found out that this movie is based on a book, in fact, there are 3 books so we will probably have another Wild Robot movie.
I also want to mention that the animation is beautiful, I love to see movies that change animation in certain scenes like this one, where they are telling a story and it literally looks like an illustration of a storybook, those details are amazing.
And halfway through the film we see another story, where the union of all will be paramount to save themselves, where Roz shows us that not only has developed a maternal instinct and love, but also wants to save the place where she has lived this last time and all those creatures that always branded her as a monster, is a part of the story that makes you lose a little focus of the main plot but still I liked it because it has another lesson to teach us and that probably if we were as human as Roz the world would be a better place.
I really recommend watching this movie because it is not only for an audience of children or mothers, I think it can touch the heart of everyone as children, see those sacrifices that our mothers can make for us, to teach us to fly and face life despite the circumstances, where we can also see that unity is strength and with an ending that will make you want to cry, although .... well, many scenes of the movie make you want to cry really, it is beautiful and is a magnificent jewel of director Chris Sanders along with DreamWorks that by the way, I love DreamWorks more than Disney always delivers movies that are not afraid to touch certain topics and super good, one of my favorites is Shrek, u do not know how I love that movie and today I can say that Wild Robot joins this list of my favorites.
Fotografias tomadas desde la película (screenshot)
Pictures taken from the movie (screenshot)
está pelicula se ve hermosa, la anotare para verla, buen post!
this movie looks beautiful, I will write it down to see it, good post!