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RE: Mission success and simple celebration

in Self Improvement3 years ago

Hi @galenkp many congratulations, sometimes we give little recognition to our triumphs and so we see it as something normal, and to start it seems good to me the coffee, little by little you make a habit until wue celebrate even the smallest thing, which is a way to be grateful from my point of view 😉.

Hola @galenkp muchas felicidades, a veces le damos poco reconocimiento a nuestros triunfos y por eso lo vemos como algo normal, y para comenzar me parece bien lo del café, poco a poco vas haciendo un hábito hasta wue celebres hasta lo mas mínimo, lo cual es una forma de estar agradecido desde mi punto de vista 😉


The acknowledgement of a job well done, the effort expended to achieve the results, can be a motivational launchpad into the next and for me it's an important factor. It sort of outs a full stop after the achievement so I can then begin anew.
