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RE: The circle of trust

Trust, trustworthy...
Truth, truthfully...

Coming to an age of 40's It seems harder to find or even earn its status of trust, while its even harder to maintain quality of trust. Crazy thing is... I have been looking for it from the outside when I realized what really mattered most was always there inside... my direct family.

A trust taken for granted?

I also think the pandemic in a way strengthened or hindered the use of trust... the people who I trust most (My wife, children, mom, dad) what trust do I have for them, and what does my trust mean for others (work, friends, neighbors). And who are in my own circle of trust?

We easily tend to choose to act differently depending on how much of the other persons trust is worth.

Meaning the quality of trust you score to others will create a particular behavior you will act towards anyone.

Pretty silly to know that my behavior towards any individual comes from the worthiness of an abstract which essentially is an emotional state of mind.... we call trust. :) If we break it down to the basics.

Its no wonder when a strong trust is broken its reverse effects are just as strong if not strongest. So strong yet extremely fragile.
And still longing for it.

Just my 2cents. :)

Great post man~


I like that you've thought about it, I get the impression not just now because of my post either. You raise some interesting points, valid points. You mention the pandemic and rightly so. It's incredible what an event like that can do, and has done, to how we think. For some they have more trust, and others even less than before. It's all based on the individuals experience and situation I guess.

Thanks for your great comment. It's appreciated. And...Coming to an age of 40's...I left those 40's back a while...It wasn't that painful. Live the moments and the age doesn't matter (much). 😁

Just to be clear, If i understood you correctly, we tend to hold back on our actions towards someone who broke our trust because we value how much trust they put in us? I don't get it...😕
