The Cost of Discovery

in Self Improvement3 years ago

In a couple hours, I will discover my fate in regards to the internal position I applied for. While I am suited for the job, I am not suited to the hiring process anymore and I have been made painfully aware of how far my abilities have slipped in on-the-fly conversations with a lot of open ended discussion on topics I don't yet have a lot of background or clarity on.

This used to be an area where I would excel at during discussions and it is a little sad to have the gap proven unequivocally. This wouldn't stop me from doing the job well enough, but it does make it much harder in many ways. Because of the process so far, I am not expecting to get the job, even though I am suited for it, because the limitations I have will be a hinderance, which makes a negative decision understandable.


Well, let's see on that.

But either way, I am honestly not too fussed, as I have a job with colleagues I really like working with now and this new position wouldn't bring anything new to the table in that regard. While it does have more visibility in the company, that is not something I care much about and in many ways, this is a "selfish" decision to apply for it, because I think that it would be better for my mental health in some ways. However, it will have its detriments too, as it will weed-out and highlight limitations, amplifying shortcomings publicly, with people I don't know.

This makes it risky in many ways, but is this risk something to avoid or embrace? It is hard to say, but at least it will be somewhat trial by fire for my skillset and maybe help me discover deficiencies that are somewhat correctable. I don't think that my brain itself is going to heal much more than it has, which is a pity, as now it means I have to rely more heavily on structure and processes, areas that I am not that great at.

I far prefer the "wing it" approach to most aspects of professional life do not career plan ahead for myself, although I do suggest it for others. A lot of the people I train for example are career-orientated and want to move into different positions up the corporate ladder. This requires planning and strategic thinking about what roles to take and which skills to develop, and while I love helping people accomplish their goals, I don't care about any of that personally myself.

It is good in many ways to have career ambitions though, as while a lot of people are negative on the slave wage, most of us don't actually have a lot of internal drive to improve ourselves outside of work - especially when it comes to skills that can be difficult to obtain and are in demand. We might have endless amounts of time to consume, yet the ability to find 30 minutes a day to support ourselves to fulfill more of our potential, goes begging.

Thirty minutes a day isn't a very long time, but a lot can be accomplished if willing to do a little bit of thought work. For example, yesterday I posted a list of 50 cognitive biases, which would help most people in many ways throughout their life when it comes to the way they think and the decisions they make. In a month and a half of 30 minutes a day, it would be able to spotlight one a day and dive deeper with some research for fifteen minutes and then another 25 minutes thinking of relevant, personal examples that are easy to hook into the memory.

Something like this doesn't change "the world" of results instantly and there is no immediate feedback, but it can have a profound effect on outcomes as time progresses. But, it is this lack of "instant" that many people struggle with in skill development, as any skill worth having takes time to learn. But, it is also because of the instant outcomes from consumption that we are so easily distracted from skill development in the first place, as sitting in front of a TV show, being primed for questions and led to solutions makes it feel like we accomplished something, even though we did nothing that helps us in our daily lives.

Daily life matters, but it seems increasingly that no matter how much people struggle daily, we are becoming less willing to spend any time on understanding why and improving the conditions. I think a lot of this "complacency" comes down to the fear of failure too, where people are scared to invest into something only to later discover it was a waste of time. Without the draw of immediate results, a lot of people avoid aiming for any results.

But in the workplace, there is an engineered drive to change oneself either by choice or through force, as processes as well as working and market conditions are always in a state of flux. For most, it is impossible to avoid changing for long, because if one does, they are going to find themselves forced into change - a change of employment status. So, people learn the new process, practice with the new software and go to that training course, because their job depends on it.

Perhaps if we were more interested in learning how to improve ourselves for ourselves, we would affect change in our lives that brings a greater sense of wellbeing, but I think most people think that all improvement requires is, consuming more information. There is more to it than that though, because unless that information can be applied and affect outcomes, it is largely useless. Knowing doesn't mean being able to do.

For now, I no longer know myself well enough to understand what I can and can't do, but staying within comfort zones is not going to help me improve. So, either way the outcome of the position swings, I am pretty glad that I dived into the process of it and discovered more about my current standings and perhaps, where to go from here. There is a cost to this discovery, but perhaps in time, the learning will return more than what was paid for the lesson - it usually does.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


if we were more interested in learning how to improve ourselves for ourselves, we would affect change in our lives that brings a greater sense of wellbeing.

Stepping stones of life, even when the unforeseen happens we have to adjust to move forward once more.

Wishing you everything of the best, don't overthink it, learn on the go and always keep in mind your wellbeing and those around you are of the utmost importance.

@tipu curate

Stepping Stones is how I explain skill development along career paths too - where people identify what they need to do next to get to where they want to be :)

Ever growing, always learning, one certainty that never stops. Stay well!

Best of luck man! It’s daunting indeed, I remember going for that internal changing of jobs that led me to where I am today and thought that I wasn’t going to get it. Thankfully I did! Hope you can get the same.

It’s sometimes difficult to go through but one of the things I’ve been trying to do is stay on top of skills that I think are going to be important in my field. I know many are just doing the minimum of learning or none at all because they are complacent in their role but it’s good to try and take that 30 minutes a day to learn things. I’ve incorporated that into my days at least once a week over the last two years or so, in order for me to learn new skills that people with my background as a whole don’t really have. It’s fun for me but also competitive.

I just spoke with someone at my new job about these skills and he, even though he’s not a manager, already wants me on his team instead of the one I’m on right now. Im more suited for his team anyway, versus the role I’m in right now. Trouble is being the new person around, I don’t know what the minimum time is I need to be in a role before I can change to another group. Companies often say they promote internal transfers, just going to have to figure out if I can navigate the political waters of doing this without getting anyone mad or burning bridges lol

I’ve incorporated that into my days at least once a week over the last two years or so, in order for me to learn new skills that people with my background as a whole don’t really have.

This tends to lead (if chosen well) to a high-value skillset, as you end up being able to flex and go deeper than others, making you more versatile and often, surprising.

Trouble is being the new person around, I don’t know what the minimum time is I need to be in a role before I can change to another group.

In general (depending on company) internally it is okay to change relatively fast, especially in the early days. These days, they trend to realize that people might have more value elsewhere than the position they were originally hired for and since they are maximizers - it allows for movement.

But, it always depends on the organization and of course, the myriad personalities of those involved.

Daily life matters, but it seems increasingly that no matter how much people struggle daily, we are becoming less willing to spend any time on understanding why and improving the conditions.

Fortunately/luckily this is not true for everyone. I completely understand that I live with multiple disabilities, nowadays under the local minimum wage, but I constantly try to get out of the financial discrimination, and nowadays Hive is helping me a lot in this, so I am on a good way, and I am really very grateful and very happy for all the help and support I receive from the Hive community.

Merry Christmas.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

We are all limited in some way I figure, yet many use their limitations as excuses not to do what they can. I am glad there are people like you who are actually empowered by Hive in ways that might not necessarily be possible through traditional channels. It is interesting here that so many different types of people can have "some" of their needs met from one platform.

Merry Christmas to you too mate :)

I can financially get through the winter, thank you to the friendly, kind and generous people on Hive, so Hive is literally life-changing for me, and I know people, who live off of their Hive earnings. For example @jlufer. He is a great inspiration/motivation for me.

I am glad to hear it :)

Good luck dude. I like to think of it like a Rocky movie. Yo uwill just keep getting up and ultimately winning :OD

I can barely make it up the stairs - let alone jump at the top!

I think that the comfort zone is an obstacle to our self-improvement. However as we age, perhaps, we are not willing to change the comfort zone we have built for long time. For instance, I want to change department in my company, but I am not sure whether another department would be suitable for be. I alraedy have a comfort zone now. My inner voice says no need adventure.

I think our comforts change as we age and we become less risk-seeking. It could be that experience has warned us away, or the risks we thought we took well, we actually didn't do a very good job of it.

Exactly what is needed now at this stage in order for you to identify and challenge your limitations.
The best news for me here is that you know that you can do the job.
So, we wish only the best for you.

It is going to be an interesting ride ahead!

Oh yeah, but we wouldn't want it any other way and we know that you are up to the challenge.

I can imagine how excited you are inside, these two hours of waiting ... I wish you success!

Nervous more than anything :)

That's the goal to always move forward. I wish you success.

Any business in which you want to be successful, you need to practice. Once you have a position, you have to match and you will succeed.

Something like that

Thanks for sharing your experience with us and it really shows your wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and ideas that most people have not been able to discover yet. Wish you all the best and success!

THanks :)

For now, I no longer know myself well enough to understand what I can and can't do, but staying within comfort zones is not going to help me improve

Reading the post, once again I thought that you are very well acquainted with psychology. But in this case the psychologist needs another psychologist) I am familiar with these feelings!)
You will have everything just the way you want it! Good luck!🤞

Dear @tarazkp always say that if you are capable of what you aspire to in good faith, you will obtain it, your abilities, skills and talent will allow such an important desire, from my heart I wish you many successes, but even in these Christmas times optimism and faith are vital to your expected achievement. Successes from Venezuela.@omarrojas

Fingers crossed for you brother.

I wanted to read this one before I read the next post.

I think that whichever way it goes, it will be a win. If you get it, it will be something you are well suited for and it will mix it up a little bit for you... then again, if you don't get it, you won't have to worry about exposing yourself to people you don't know.

Whichever wins, I applaud you for taking the plunge and seeing how you do with the interview and the unknown. I think you did well from the sound of things. Of course, my success may be different than what you consider a success.

Baby steps. I think you have done amazing, stepping right back to work as soon as you did and resuming life or trying to, keeping aware of your limitations, yet challenging them.

You may not think it, but, you are much more remarkable than you give yourself credit for.

Personal growth always happens outside the comfort zone. So it is awesome that you stepped a little further from the comfort line! I don't think that it is selfish to make a change, to dare to dream at something more.

Well you were fine in the end weren't you ;D

And as uncomfortable as being hit in the face by the gaps would have been, at least now you know more about what you need to work on/around? :S