What a day...
And it is only halfway through.
However, I have been up since early morning preparing for the doctor checkup, which included not eating for 16 hours prior. The check went as expected, but I also learned how to use the pen to administer my own treatment from home and thankfully, it was far less painful than I expected it to be, which was a very welcome surprise.
It was a very little needle.
So now, I am on a fortnightly schedule of injecting myself every Wednesday and hopefully, it has a smoother kick to it, with the lower dose.
I have been having this particular treatment for about five years now with a heavy dose every two months, and for the week after, I feel very shitty. Within about six hours of the treatment I would get a severe headache that would last about four or five days and my energy levels would be shot, with "back to normal" after 8-10 days. This lower dose pen will provide four treatments in the same timeframe, so it will spread the dosage out more evenly, but thinly - which supposedly for most people, has proven a better approach and given more consistency to the results too.
Unfortunately, this is not a cure, it is just treats the symptoms of the illness, but perhaps one day there will be some kind of miracle discovery that knocks it out. I really don't like taking medications, which is very ironic, considering how many I now have to take. I am like an elderly person popping twenty pills a day, and I wonder how many of these issues have been caused by the side-effects of other medications, where they stack up and compound against each other, always negatively.
How come side-effects aren't positive?
No better looking. No Smarter. No larger penis.
Looks, intelligence and size don't matter anyway.
Of course they do!
Who believes that these things don't matter? Even the people who say it to make themselves feel better about their own limitations, no deep down they are full of shit. After all, they judge people on these same things themselves. When you are walking down the street, you are attracted by someone's looks. When you talk to them, you are attracted by their intelligence. And when you are in bed with them, size matters.
But, what is attractive is personal preference. Yes, these preferences can be affected by culture and society, as well as other influencing factors, but at the end of the day, our preferences are our own. Or at least, we have to take some responsibility for them, which might be investigating why we think or feel a certain way over something.
One of the reasons I so strongly dislike requiring treatment is, I strongly dislike being dependent on others, and requiring medical treatments and procedures, are things I just can't provide for myself and can barely affect through my own actions. There are things I can do to improve the situation without medication for some parts, but it has limited efficacy. And other issues, I can do nothing about whatsoever.
Being reliant scares me, which is probably my biggest fear if I ever get old to the point I can't take care of myself in the home, because then I have to rely on others to do it. It isn't even about the "shame" of needing others, it is about the loss of freedom to be able to take care of myself. We might all be caged in many ways, but at least when I am able to do things for myself, I have the sense of autonomy and agency to direct the course of my own life. Once that goes, while still living, my life is no longer my own.
Is that a life worth living?
People might argue that life can still have value, but at what point does the value no longer cover expenses? What point is the quality of life so poor, that any personal value there might be, is not worth it. And then, what about the costs imposed on others? I don't want my daughter to limit her potential because she has to take care of me, even though there is value in learning to care for others. The books fall out of balance very fast, in my opinion.
I do see a future where there is an official "opt-out" possibility for those who feel that their lives are no longer valuable enough to keep living them, which sounds quite dystopic. But, I think that it is far better than the alternatives that people take, as well as the growing need to keep people going, who don't necessarily want to. And it doesn't have to be bleak, it could be a celebrated journey, kind of a "attend your own wake" scenario.
Tell them what you really think.
But, I think this would be a good reason to actually think about the preparations and what you want to say. When there is ambiguity on the final date, it is far easier to put off doing and saying certain things to those we care about. But, knowing the date is approaching, means being able to prepare and say what is in the heart to them now.
Sure, this is probably what we should all do all of the time, but how many of us actually live by that standard - how many speak completely openly to the people they care about? I suspect just like penis size,
self reported doesn't align with the reality of officially measured.
Speaking about size.
It does seem that there will still be a headache with this treatment as it is happening now, but it will hopefully be smaller and not as long. See?
Size does matter.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Ah. My daughter is on something similar, Stellara. She takes a shot every two months, and, like you, feels lousy for the week following the shot. I wish she could stop all this: regular doctors appointments, endoscopies, colonoscopies, blood tests, MRIs, etc. It's all part of her daily life.
My son went through all of this as well, the same procedures, the same parade of appointments and drugs over many years. Even though he was bedridden, his life, he felt, was worth living, and he carried on praying and dreaming of walking again until his body gave out. I miss him so much! It cannot be so easy to just opt out as you seem to suggest, although sometimes it would be a blessing. There is too much lost when a life ends early.
I hope the new treatment method improves your well being.
having a look online, yes it is very similar. Just a shot? My two month one was an infusion bag of the stuff! I am glad I can do it myself.
Stomach issues aren't glamorous diseases - and they have such an impact on daily life. I was untreated for almost 20 years after the initial medications (steroid) almost killed me. It held me back from doing many, many things.
I am sorry to hear about your son, that is terrible in so many ways and I feel for you and for him and I hope that your daughter is living a relatively normal life now.
I don't think opting-out should be easy, I think it should be an option and, not one taken lightly or without support along the way. I read stories of preteens killing themselves because of online bullying and it makes me so sad. It is horrible that it happens, but it is horrible that this is the tool they have to deal with what may not be such a big issue, once they had a little more life experience under their belt.
Life is messy...
Steroids eventually killed my son, by crippling him permanently after 8 years of them. He hadn't taken any, because he would refuse to despite doctors insisting that he do so (incredibly), for the last 8 years of his life. Bad stuff!!!! To bring someone back to life (which I have witnessed myself) OK. But as any kind of disease management, no.
For a long time, Steroids were the go to for so many issues, but it seems that the trend is changing with technological advancements in medicine. It doesn't mean change for the better though, but it is good to keep moving generally forward.
I hope the new method of delivering the drug has milder side affects. It's so difficult to know the best route to take with doctors/drugs. I have MS and made the decision 20 years ago to do it drug free. Who knows if that was the right choice?
I definitely agree that having a choice to opt out is necessary. Quality of life is essential for us all.
At least it is the same drug, just delivered differently.
How has the MS progressed? It can be debilitating for many people.
Yeah, MS is challenging. I use a mobility scooter to get around, but thanks to technology, I am able to live alone and be mostly self sufficient. My daughter stops over once a week and helps out with a few chores that I am unable to do myself. Putting clean linens on the bed alone is something that I had to realize was a thing of the past! I'm thankful I was not trying to cope with this 30, or even 10 years ago! There are things I miss doing, but I really have no complaints.
I am glad that you have most of your independence - it is so important for mental health. It is interesting what you said about the linen, as it is the kind of thing that I have never thought about in regards to not being able to do it - and I think about these things far too much! :D
My kids are wonderfully considerate and provide me with so many thoughtful devices to make my life easier. A drippy pizza in the oven set my smoke alarm off and I had to endure it until I was able to get the house ventilated. My son installed new smoke alarms that I can control with an app on my phone. What a relief!
I can still get the sheets off the bed and get them washed and dried... It's just putting them back on that is too difficult.
Just imagine life even 50 years ago under the same conditions - technological advancement has opened up a whole new world of potential to overcome ailments. Nothing will ever be perfect, but at least, we are working toward better in some areas.
When my daughter in law moved to Chicago from Russia she was shocked at how many disabled people lived there. It took a while for her to realize that people with handicaps were able to get out of their homes and enjoy life because of all the handicap accessible places and transportation available.
I have so many conviences that make my life easy. A Roomba vacuum, being able to order groceries online and have them delivered, smart plugs to turn lights on and off with a voice command.... The list goes on and on.
Lol at all the penis size jokes which I can't really comment on because I don't have one and I'm a lady... but as for the rest, well, I for one have used many opportunities to tell the people I love and care about exactly that. I don't leave it for a time when it's too late because that would be dumb, so it's not a bad idea at all. If one attends their own wake, then they've almost got it out of the way and it would probably lower the anxiety around the time after that however long it may be.
You can for sure and likely, it will be far more relevant :D
People fear the unknown, so they don't even try thinking about it. Instead, there is "always tomorrow" to do all the things that will never be done before it is too late.
Well it's all subjective isn't it, size, the motion of the ocean and all that
jazzmood music 😁Yes well people are generally idiots, so there's always tomorrow until there isn't and then it's too late. I try to not be late with stuff so I'd rather gush all over the people I love now and take the consequences of it than them thinking I didn't take the opportunity. Seize the opportunity when you have it I reckon. What's the worst that can happen?
What is that needle for everyday? Insulin?
I don't like to take a medicine and don't take as long as it is possible. Therefore, I wonder whether I will be with a bag of medicine near me when I am older.
By the way, size matters mate 😁
Nah, it is every two weeks and is called Remsima, it is for Ulcerative Colitis.
I assume that the bag is only going to get larger for me - more of a suitcase! :D
I know. I am not smart, or rich... but I have a pretty wife ;D
Your posts are interesting to read, there is intelligence here. And why aren't you rich? You have 3 times more Hive than me)
Bad decisions :D
It is also relative to where one lives - Finland isn't the cheapest place on earth.
Clickbait title ... Naughty
Naughty? whatever do you mean?
It is just "obtuse" ;D
I can feel your state in this post. Nonetheless, the meaning of life is what you make it. Just the truth painted straight, we all are scared of growing old for the same reason. But then, it's inevitable; you either grow old and get to the point where you definitely need someone, or you die before that happens. None of these is a pleasant thought to fantasize about. As such I try as much to dwell on the present.
Just being naughty, Size matters so does skills
Most people don't like growing old as they worry about death and the unknown I think.
Skill will only get you so far! :D
I also fear being paralyzed. being trapped in not moving body would be a nightmare.
Oh that would suck. It is worse than death by a long way I think.
I also don't like the idea on being dependent on people because I have never for once feel comfortable about doing so.
It is depressing to be a dependent. Though, perhaps masochists like it.
Worthy words from the article.
Yay for the thing not being as bad as anticipated!
As far as I can tell from reading/listening to other people, this seems to be the case a lot of the time.
Or have brain glitches XD
I'm pretty sure I've told you about my inability to recognise people unless my brain has decided they're important enough to remember
Have to say intelligence does matter a whole lot to me, I'm a horrible judgemental person x_x
I'm pretty sure euthanasia laws are already in place in some countries for people meeting very specific criteria. It's only dystopic if people are being coerced into taking that option.
Was the headache smaller and shorter? :D
Being reliant scares me, which is probably my biggest fear if I ever get old to the point I can't take care of myself in the home, because then I have to rely on others to do it. - this fear I guess is relatable for any active person . This vividly reminds me of my late granny , she was so active in her hay days and always prayed for a peaceful death rather than having any illness or ailment of the old age that might deter her from being active or dependent on anyone .