Celebrating a Small Win That Feels HUGE.

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Tonight, I thought I would treat you to a shorter post!

Oh you lucky people, I feel like I have written tens of thousands of words these past 2 weeks. I have loved every minute of it. I feel like I have had a little oil applied to those writing joints and all rustiness has passed and is now clearly in the rear view mirror.



That means I have stayed accountable to the new goals I had set myself, late September / early October I will start writing on Medium. I have talked about the fact I intend to begin writing online elsewhere but never really said where or what my plans are.

I have always viewed what I do on Hive as a labour of love, a passion project that enabled me to slip outside of my life in a creative way to allow my brain some freedom and room to breathe. It has really served a big purpose for me and allowed me an outlet from a life that at times I have felt was suffocating me.

I have never wanted to touch the stake I have on Hive, I figure that if the future works out the way I hope it does, and believe it will, it will provide a little pot for little old man Steven in years to come.

If the future was not what I hoped, then no worries, the experience, journey and all of you bloody amazing people were well worth it.

I am grateful for the whole shebang thus far and I'm sure will be for many years to come.

This week I finally received something I have always wanted on Hive. You will think me silly when I mention just what it is but no matter, it means something to me.

Now bearing in mind, my next anniversary on Hive in the new year will be 6 years and this week will be the first time I ever received one of these:




After all this time I find that absolutely staggering. I became aware a long time ago that not everyone finds the @hivebuzz notifications useful or welcome and that is why there is a method to stop them mentioned in the posts.

I find the gamification of the process a lot of fun and take inspiration from some of them, like today!

As many of my friends here will know, sometimes my posts spiral out of control to the tune of a few thousand words here and there so often a post I begin after dinner will still be in process at 3 am. So my posts do not always get published on the 'actual' day I start them.

I did wonder because of this, would I earn the 7 day posting badge, I did!!!

Like I probably implied, it is not necessarily the badge that is the most important thing in the world but what it represents. Here I am 'doing it' just like I promised myself I would.


Accountability is something I have NOT always demonstrated in the way I would have hoped. I haven't always showed up in my own life as much as I would have liked.

There are many of you who have not yet received a response to comments you have kindly left for me, I will get to you, I promise! I am grateful for your patience because the comments I have left in many cases have run to more words than this post. It takes me a while.

The second reason I am grateful is that I had set myself this posting goal to get back in to the swing of writing after quite a lengthy hiatus and in many ways I have placed that goal front and centre before everything else.

I had hoped to achieve 5 posts in a week or so but was already resigned to and happy with 3 or 4, I surprised even myself. That was a happy occurrence as I only seem to disappoint myself lately.

To everyone I have managed to catch up with over the last week or so, and to all the new friends I have made.

Thank YOU!


Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!
Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...
Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

any images in my posts are either taken by me or created in Canva by me.


Well done on the weekly author thing...the most important thing is that you enjoyed making it happen I guess, but it's nice to receive a little reminder after the effort right?

Also, you have impeccable sand-stick writing, and you're getting a nice stretch out of it at the same time. Kudos.

Nice post, man! Lovely pics and wonderful slogan "came for the crypto and stayed for the community" Awesome. Hive should use this as official logo.

You not answering comments?

Congratulations Steven! Getting a post out five days in a row is great! It's so good to hear people who are so into the Hive and its community! I love it!

Congrats on the achievement. As you say, it may not be a big deal for many, but it is to you as it needs planning and commitment to post every day, with all the real life things going on. Keep it up!