Excellent proposal my friend, I love that you lead a community with such an important topic.
I will always stop by to read you and leave you my opinion, all the items you bring are good and I hope to learn a lot.
it calls my attention "to cultivate a sense of gratitude even when life seems more somber" , since in life there are always falls, but the important thing is to get up and learn from what happened, thousands of successes my great friend!
thousandmillion successes to us ALL Rafael!I love this blockchain, this community and the amazing people I have met ((some of them are called Rafael :D )) I love the idea of us ALL working together to help eachother along, in exactly the same we ALL know the world should work.
We ALL have different skills and knowledge to share and if we put all this knowledge together with the intention of helping not just ourselves BUT everyone, we could create something magnificent here.
Gratitude is so, so important especially during hard times when it not so easy. It is quite an easy habit to form though, let me help with starting a spirit of gratitude by sharing some of the things I am grateful for.
I am grateful for my family and friends.
I am grateful for this community.
I am grateful for my body and my health.
I am grateful for meeting an amazing cool Venezuelan dude named Rafael a little while back and watching him grow and progress.
Love this
Nathan I know I am replying to a guy who understands community and thriving together in his bones so I know you will know exactly what I mean when I say the following.
The day of critical mass here will be the day that 51% of people realise the true way forward is helping eachother, growing together and thriving when we see others move and grow, even when it is faster than we are growing ourselves.
Sometimes John will be in a position to reach out a helping hand and pull Sally further up the mountain, sometimes Sally will be in a better position to do the same for John. When the people within Hive feel this in their bones, in their spirit and in their very soul, maybe, just maybe we will be in a stronger position to take this ethos and nurturing, caring belief system out in to the world and live life the way we know we should!
I live in a place of optimism, I see the problems here and in the so-called, real world, I am not naive at all but I choose to believe that enough of us are waking up to how we as humans should be, to amke it happen.
The future is bright my friend :)