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RE: What not to Learn

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Learning as a kid, for me, was way far from fun. And I think this is because I was taught to learn to pass tests, and not learn to get along with the intricacies of dealing with life. So, I often hated going to school. I wasn't even the playful type of person, so there wasn't much I enjoyed going to school for.

Overtime, I began to do poorly. Learning was meant to be fun; it can be. But the fact that so much attention was paid to my grades and not what I actually knew just looked more like work at that age for me.

If only people didn't make learning seem "not fun" and actually let kids learn the right way, i.e., by thinking for themselves, then maybe the world would be a better place as we would have more thinkers rather than characters in a game.

It's a good thing Smallshops is different. It'll all get easier in the future and be beneficial for you both as parents as she'll have her own voice.

PS: Has she now tasted the mangoes? What does she think?



Oh, wow. This is a mango? I see you people slice and dice yours. We just munch it all over here.

And I think this is because I was taught to learn to pass tests, and not learn to get along with the intricacies of dealing with life

This is the failure of generalized schooling where the goal is to raise the averages, not improve the heights.

The problem for parents when they let kids think for themselves is often, they don't like hearing what the kids think. For us, we encourage conversation and negotiation.

PS: Has she now tasted the mangoes? What does she think?

Yes. Had a half tonight and loved it! :D