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RE: Angry (at) breakfast

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I honestly thought I actually saw a GALENKP "branded" slice of bread... moving on.

It's even more difficult to be a man who takes responsibility, professionalism, and ownership seriously and then see that the people who work for you can't simply follow your lead. You try your best to be your best and then some nutbaggery under you is not doing the same, making your whole work look bad.

I have learned to understand that anger should not be seen as a negative emotion but rather a powerful one that can affect change. For that reason, it must be dealt with caution.

I am one to get vexed easily, and my countenance is the worst at concealing it. I used to have poor control over my anger; it was often destructive. But somehow, I gained really good control over it as I grew older. Now, I just vent my words to a friend or some friends that I can confide in. I will then go on to deal with the issue when I am level-headed.

I really hope you do not lose this account, as it would indeed cost you financially and emotionally.
Good evening, sir.


One needs personally branded toast, it is known.

I agree with all you say and am glad you suggest that anger can be positive as it can inspire change, the thoughts, attitudes and actions that bring change. Also, bonus points for your use of the word vexed which I also use from time to time; it is an underused word for sure.

Thanks for your relevant and valid response.