The Changing Advice from Work Hard to Relax Hard

When I was young, I'm talking about the 90's era (I'm 35+ now) when there was no internet, no computer games, limited tv viewing options; the good old days when kids use to play outdoor and teens use to hang and chill in physical settings rather than on phones.

All the mantra on those days was about we have plenty of time and we shouldn't waste it all on playing and fooling around, times are going to be tough and competition is going to be stiff.

Now, 25 years later, times have certainly changed, there are a lot more distractions in form of social media and there is certainly is very tough competition in the world and our work environment (even the study environment for students) requires much more time commitment, physical commitment and mental commitment than it used to in the past.

And where all of this has lead us? To a more stressful lifestyle where we are in constant pressure to perform and our perception of time has changed vastly, where we used to think time is plenty; these days we find it hard to find time for even what is absolutely necessary for us like exercise, spending time family and friends, meditation (spirituality) and me time.

So, over the two decades I no longer hear people talking much about working hard but the opposite; that is don't be too hard on yourself, take it slow, take time to relax or you will breakdown and your body/mind will force you to pause.

What are your thoughts on this?


Hi, i would suggest that you next post should be your introductory post in hive blockchain. Your hobbies and how you can share your knowledge with other hivian.