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RE: Think like a leader: Week Two

Leading by example is definitely the way to get people behind you. One of my old boss's used to boast that he led from behind - which although is a valid way of doing things if done right by empowering all those to make and take decisions they normally wouldn't he took quite literally as in sitting around waiting for people to do stuff then taking the credit.

Showing you arent afraid to get your hands dirty and muck in is a confidence winner!


as in sitting around waiting for people to do stuff then taking the credit.

Only one word for that leadership style!

Having said that, I have had to learn to just sit around sometimes rather than taking everything by the throat and shaking it until something happened 😂.

There's nothing wrong with sitting around for a while, nothing at all.

Being a leader and taking accolades, credit and reward for work the team did though? Not acceptable. The leader's leader should be able to see the teams success as the leader's success and nothing more should be required and certainly not taking credit that the team deserves for one's own. Only bad leaders would think that's acceptable.

No argument here.

There is definitely room for not leading everyone by the nose!

But yeah, the ones who just sit back and let everything happen have many words to describe them, terrible words!!

Leading from behind...Yes a familiar method I guess. I suppose it's situational like, in the military, there's a commend well behind the front line and they lead. Although, there's always leaders right up front as well. A good example would be how Major Dick Winters led from the outset...from the front at great personal risk, and then later from behind. But, he'd built trust and the respect of his men and replacements that came in. If you're not sure who I mean refer to the book or HBO series Band of Brothers.

sitting around waiting for people to do stuff then taking the credit.

I learned from leaders like this...learned what not to do.

Always good to hear from you ya fucken Titan. You on vacation yet?

Hola!! Not on vacay yet, been a right spanner in the works. Good Lady's mother has become badly ill. Been trotting up north to visit her.

And oh yes, band of brothers was grand and there was plenty to learn from that and other good books/shows!

That's not good news and I hope it works out and you manage to take a little time for a vacation.

Aye man, it is a shitstorm but will get through it as always, cheers mate!