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RE: The houses we build

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Currently we are living in a house which has exactly the amount of space we need. And that space is not in the amount of bedrooms (which in Holland often space is measured to) but in functional area's to work in.

When I look at the houses around me im often kind of puzzeled what people will do with the space. Because why need something so gigantic when only being the two people for instance. And it does feel like status end up being the reason which is stupid.

If I would to build again I would make the outdoors area different actually as the only thing. A greenhouse I would love but I dont find them visually so appealing. So an outside with a nice view and a hidden greenhouse would be the only wish here


It is strange in some ways how places commonly talk about houses. In Australia, it is bedroom count - Finland it is sqm and "rooms" (which could mean several things. The houses are generally smaller in Finland by a fair margin - since heating is/was/is again a problem.

A green house sounds great - Hidden would be even better! Do you have space to hide one? We have it in "the plan" for one day, but it isn't going to be hidden in our yard, so it will have to look nice enough...