Learning curve.. might not always look like a curve. Sometimes we hit plateaus. Sometimes the only way forward is through those plateaus.
Hitting a plateau might feel like failure. Like we're spinning in circles and getting nowhere, but it might just mean that there is an aspect that you need to master before you can achieve new higher highs.
You might not be aware of what specific aspect of the whole process needs mastering, so it might still be frustrating, but if you trust the process and follow through a breakthrough is inevitable.

Or if you really, REALLY feel like you're stuck and the breakthrough is nowhere in sight and doing the same things over and over again expecting different results is indeed actually maddening, then, shake yourself up and try something you have never done before.
Within the same frame of what you're learning and feel stuck with, try a completely different approach. Something you KNOW for sure you haven't tried yet. This is most likely going to be something you really, really don't feel like doing, because the chance of failure is even higher, but if you're stuck, really stuck, then the way forward is through the uncomfortable.
Either way you have to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Either by trying something 'way out there', or by continuing the grind.
Do not underestimate the power of just grinding away at a skill, though. Sometimes it really is all in those reps. But you have to get in that obsessive mindset for it to not exhaust your willpower. If you get into that state of mind that you just KNOW for a fact that you can do better, even if the results continue to not reflect that, then getting through those reps is going to be a walk in a park.
Just one more try might land you on the other side of that breakthrough. But you won't know unless you take that 'just one more try' and one more, and another one. If you can feel that it is just right there within your reach.. what is one more try? Of course, you can do one more try!

And by continuing with those reps after reps, you might not even notice all those incremental improvements, but if you have a chance to compare where you started with where you've gotten.. it might not yet be where you want to be, but seeing the progress might just be exactly what you need to continue with maybe just one more try?
So what skills are you working on these days?
Don't be shy and drop a comment. I'll be more than happy to hear about your progress.
