Develop a growth mindset

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Self improvement is an inner process, which focuses on changing one’s attitude toward oneself and toward the world, and on getting rid of harmful habits and building new good habits.


Stronger chance of survival. That’s why growth is so addictive. A desire for self-improvement to lead us to better our lives, is one of the best ways to get ahead.

No matter what you’re pursuing, self-improvement goals are a critical part of your progress and happiness. But all too often our efforts at self-improvement fail. We aren’t sure which direction to head in, so we end up stumbling around hoping we’ll just happen upon the job, relationship or life we want. If you’ve ever fumbled through a dark room in search of a light, you know this “tactic” often fails.

Self-improvement ideas aren’t enough. You need to get clear on what you want and why – and have actionable strategies that can get you there.

Get closer to where you want to be

Self-improvement is any activity or goal that enhances your quality of life, helps you reach your full potential or leads you to realize your dreams. Improving your knowledge, skillset, character or mindset are all good ways to move toward your self-improvement goals. The important thing is that you are growing as a person. Why? Because if you’re not growing, you’re dying.

Develop a growth mindset
The way you perceive your successes and failures can affect your well-being, which is why it’s important to develop a growth mindset. This is the belief that you’re capable of improving. One of the ways you can strengthen this mindset is improving. This isn’t always easy, but can be made easier if you anticipate these challenges as you set your goals and think of ways to overcome them ahead of time. You should also be ready to adjust your plan when an unexpected challenge arises, Another key to having a growth mindset is being able to ask for help when you need it. “Remember, you can’t do everything by yourself,” notes “You can always reciprocate others’ kindness by offering to help them in return.”.

You can call me a xenophobic because that's who I was. No matter how I had things, I still wanted to steal or take things that wasn't mine. I was ridiculed, insulted etc.

Kleptomania was a serious disorder that caused an irresistible urge to steal items that aren't required and are usually of little value. Consequences included job loss, financial penalties and trouble with the police.

Kleptomaniac isn't common. I sought for treatment .

Left untreated, kleptomania resulted in severe emotional, family, work, legal and financial problems. I worked towards it, I treated myself

It is believed to be caused by genetics, neurotransmitter abnormalities and the presence of other psychiatric conditions.

I was more than determined and really wanted to help myself. I read books . It really helped. I couldn't do anything worthy with my hands and I felt bad greatly. I learnt different skills and now , I could knit, braid hairs, make beads etc. I am happy I could do things with my hands and also went to the gym to keep myself fit. I opened a saloon for myself and kept on visiting various doctors and counsellors till it stopped. Was I really a kleptomaniac? Well I think it was a bad habit and it stopped because I was determined to and kept my head and self busy. Now I am proud of who I am