Organize me for a better life

in Self Improvement3 years ago


My life is full of chaos, there is no goal or ambition . Everyday I wake up in the morning in
the same routine. There is nothing to do only drink my coffee. Even my house is messy and
the things around me are scattered. I am not young . I am thirty years old in the same
situation, ooooohhh what is this life???
Nothing tidy why????
Life is only eating,drinking and sleeping.I do not want it.
I want my life full of dreams and goals but How????
Has anyone been through this situation maybe yes every one may pass it but for a few days
. ,but I have stayed in this situation for a long time
" No good job, no specific goal, no ambition"
I want to change this mess in my life but" how"
Every time I say the same thing but" how" I do not know no thing change .I have to take a
real step.
I searched a lot about how to be more organized.
"Organization is a practice,not a personality"
But🙄🤔is it possible for thirty years to live in it possible for me to change in a
week or two??? Of course not, not easy
What is the solution?????

The solution is to prepare a planner or calender and begin in simple details in a,changing begins in simple things and building a good is the first time I buy a
planner, how do I deal with it??? Make to- do- list
Steps to make to do – list

Make a weekly to do list
Break up the things you need to get done each day

The third make" Top 3" list for the day these are things you really have to get after done
to move for ward
The fourth: make a daily- weekly list separate the items in terms of urgency label them
like" things I have to get done today " or " things I have to do by the end of the month..
Now we come to the next step which is the most difficult " you should be patient and
committed person ". So,I began to play sports for four minutes and arrange a place in my
house for an hour and set my daily schedule so that , I do not want to waste my time again. I
start reading books five pages every day. I learn for an hour every day a new language that I
want to learn
Yes they are simple things but they can change in your life .so, within six months I read 5
books and I learn a new language,my body become more flexible and my house is clean and
neat all the time.

In short, build a good habit and do not wake up with out a specific goals and ambitions .
Make your life has a deep meaning. The first step is the most difficult you should take it and
do not give up. After that ,you feel better
So far, I am trying to change for better. I like every one to take benefits for my special
experience and do not waste her/his time like me .
My next dream is to get my own my business so,one day I want to tell you how my dream
become true .
My own writing "heba"!