How To Be A Better Reader


A book can be a great way to learn about a new subject or expand your horizons, but other than the entertainment value of a good story how does it benefit you? Reading can help you obtain new knowledge and even improve your memory.
Reading is critical to success. We all know that reading is important, but not everyone can find the time to read. Reading a book a week may seem impossible, but it’s not if you know how to fit it into your day.

Why is reading important?
Reading is the foundation to all learning and it makes you a better person. This might seem like a bold statement, but it’s true. When you read, your brain absorbs information and stores those bits of information away in your long term memory for later retrieval. There are countless studies that show how reading can be good for your health as well as make you more successful in life.
Although we live in an age of instant gratification and constant entertainment, there is no substitute for the power of reading. So if you want to become smarter, more insightful or simply want to be able to use your brain in high performance, reading is the best way.
Reading can help you develop expertise in any subject area, which is why there are so many books out there on how to become rich, lose weight, or get healthy. The more knowledgeable you are about something specific, the better off you will be.
There’s no doubt that reading is the best way to learn. It helps you become more knowledgeable about what’s happening, and it can inspire you to take action. Regardless of whether you read blogs, books, or listen to podcasts, make sure that you find time each day to do some reading.

What to read?
What to read? It’s a question we all ask ourselves at some point. There are so many books out there, and it can be tough to decide which ones to read.
But before you jump into your next book, think about the type of reader you want to become and what kind of books will help you reach that goal. For example: Are you looking for inspiration or knowledge? Are you interested in fiction or non-fiction? Do you like shorter books or long ones?

How to read more without feeling overwhelmed
We are often overwhelmed by the number of books, articles and blog posts that we want to read. Instead of reading more, most of us end up reading less due to an overload of information.
There are tons of books out there. You can find a new one to read at any time, and it can be hard to decide which one to start with. But the best thing about reading is that you always get something out of it. Whether it’s expanding your knowledge or learning a new skill, reading has benefits for everyone.
Here are some tips on how to read more without feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Read with a purpose. Know what you want out of the book before you start reading it, because that will help you decide which parts to focus on and which details are less important. You can do this by looking at reviews or recommendations.
  2. Set a reading goal for yourself. 15 minutes a day is way better than no minutes a day! And setting a goal makes it easier to get started. Make it 30 minutes if you want, or 2 hours - whatever works for you!
  3. Read faster by using your fingers as a guide for your eyes. The majority of the population reads at an average speed of 250 words per minute. But if you use your fingers to guide your eyes across the page, then you are able to increase that speed to between 400-600 words per minute. This will save you up to 7 hours each month!
  4. Stick with one book at a time. Choose the one that resonates with you most at this moment and go for it! It’s better to finish something then to keep switching between books which can lead to procrastination.

Put a book on your calendar!
If you want to grow as a person, then you need to read. Reading can help you become a better writer, a better thinker, and a more successful person in general. The good news is that reading doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be quite easy if you set up the right system for yourself.
People have been reading books to become successful for centuries. It’s not just a coincidence that most billionaires and millionaires will tell you that reading is an important activity in their daily routine. Books expand your mind and prepare it for new ideas.
The key here is reading more than one book per month. The average American reads less than one book per year (not even per month), so increasing this number by five times would be pretty significant!

Image by Seven Shooter (Unsplash)


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