The less than perfect view

in Self Improvement3 years ago

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Nothing's beautiful from every point of view.

- Horace -

I vividly recall taking this shot and how it felt looking all around me to see what you see in this photo. It was a warm day, the air was fresh and clear and the only sounds were the water lapping at the pylons holding up the landing, a few birds overhead and the light breeze whistling through the trees behind me. It was a beautiful view and a beautiful moment I won't soon forget.

I was in Finland when on holiday visiting family and I think the combination of being on vacation, having family around and the view all came together to create a moment which brought me peace, happiness and a clam that seemed to settle upon me, then seep inside; not perfect, but perfect enough.

As I write this, my view isn't as memorable.

I'm sitting in the waiting area of a car dealership waiting for my work vehicle to be serviced and I'm looking out the big glass windows at rows of cars and the road beyond; it's not very inspiring, although I have a decent cup of coffee and a couple cookies to keep me company...and my thoughts as well of course.

The less than perfect view

I have been thinking about my general attitude and point of view lately and decided it's not very good. I don't want to get into a complaint-post though - my life isn't that bad - I just have so many things going on and when combined over a long period of time my attitude can be effected, no different to other people I guess.

I don't like feeling flat, weighed down or troubled, but that's just life I think; it happens and try as we might to avoid it I do not believe we can.

We can work towards mitigating the risk of those feelings but life is fluid and everchanging so will always deliver up something unforeseen for us to deal with. I suppose what's most important, what should have the most focus, is not that things go wrong, but instead, what we do when they go wrong, how we deal with it and how we manage ourselves along the way.

I have several methods to do that, many of which I've written about before, and sometimes it takes just one, other times a combination of methods to turn my mood or attitude around. I suppose it's no different to that lake-view-moment above; the various individual elements came together to create the moment.

When I feel as I do I tend to limit contact with others as much as possible. I rarely feel in the mood for it and I'm loath to allow my dour mood or attitude to affect others; they don't deserve it.

I think it's important for me to look inwardly for the solutions and paths forward. I take time to celebrate small things be it a success at work, a great cup of coffee, the sunset, anything that inspires a little positivity, and I work a little harder to be kind, humble and generous towards others as well. Above all though, I remember my reasons. I mean, my reasons for waking up each morning, for working hard, having set goals, the things around me, my health, relationships and so on...Basically, I show gratitude and in so doing, my point of view improves giving me an overall lift.

This process doesn't happen overnight or even in a few days sometimes, it takes sustained effort and attention, however it delivers a good result eventually and I'm happy to build a genuinely positive attitude and mood in this way as it's more sustainable over time.

Sometimes life gives us a less than perfect view but the great thing is we have the ability to change it; it's a choice.

I always like to hear other people's point of view and perspective so if you have any comments feel free to share below. Make an observation, give your opinion or even a story about how you personally positively affect your own attitude and...have a great day, or create the best one you can.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image in this post is my own


Not a bad view!

I have been thinking a lot about it over the last year too, where I am not so sure if I will ever feel "not flat" again. It is strange and while many say attitude is a decision, I am not completely sure of it. Yes, it is possible to fake the behaviors of contentment or happiness, but doesn't necessarily change the inner mood. Again, not sure if it is the case or making that choice has become a lot harder.

That was a good day indeed, and a nice spot.

Life is hard, pressures bear down and sometimes the weight makes us feel less than good. It'll affect attitude most times. I don't think it should define us, or cause us to despair though, it's just life and I'd say most, if not all, humans have felt the same. It's temporary, as long as action is taken.

Attitude is more than a decision, but it's the decision to act, to want to change the thoughts and attitudes, that helps attitude move closer to where we wish it to be. I guess that's what this whole post is about; making the decision to see things differently, one small thing at a time, to affect overall attitude. It's not easy sometimes, but I think it's an important skill.

Making that decision can be hard, but to affect attitude it must be made and acted on I guess.

Some days chicken, some days feathers. It's the way of things, I think.

This said by a relative dipshit that has just finished a less than admirable year. I spent much of the last year intimidated by the fact that I was potentially doing and seeing things for the last time. As opposed to celebrating all the things left for me to see and do. A routinely bad choice that I certainly didn't make, just backed into. Even knowing what I was doing didn't help my attitude-it turns out I just had to live through it.

I've gotten back from a month of riding around the western US and I'm once again excited to see and do and read. I've had covid-in a strange way that helped. Not that I suggest it for attitude adjustment. I spent marvelous time with 2 brothers and two sisters. Real good serious time. I met a guy out camping and his simple attitudes about things helped too. Mostly, I think it was good quality time on a good quality motorcycle. I can't maintain any sort of sour attitude when I'm riding. It just won't work.

I wish I had a magic bullet to pass on to you-all I've got is this "If you don't pull the trigger it's damn hard to hit the target."

You've been gone, but exactly where you needed to be, and it's clear that in being there you found yourself in a happy, fulfilling and comfortable place. I'd say that was a well spent month.

I've had times like that and it's those I remember, the good moments, whilst I'm feeling flat or uninspired, as it helps me want to find more if them moving forward and that provides momentum.

I like that analogy at the end, the way you link one of my hobbies to a valid and valuable concept.

Thanks for your comment and it's good to have you back.

I think this is a developed point of view. The whole point behind your motto of tomorrow isn't promised... In a precious post we were talking about that idea of how things get out of hand and plans fall apart. The idea of improvising on the spot tends to be a saving grace. However, I don't think a complaint post would do you any harm. I understand your stance towards it.

It's just a matter of perspective. I think a positive attitude can help facing adversity, but I wouldn't like being positive all the time. It would just be a façade. I wonder if sometime as I keep going forward and doing my things, my mindset will change and get something similar to what you state.

I already did that with my friends. Whereas I used to be the Debbie Downer for them, I've changed my ways to praise and helping the get a glimpse of how good they are and how they can fix some of their problems. Of course, it isn't like what I do it's a cure for their toxic traits. Perhaps, after so much repetition, they'll start doing and feeling better on their on. And I'll keep encouraging them.

Nevertheless, I enjoy ranting about the country and the issues at hand. There's nothing more than catharsis in it. The country is lost. Yesterday, I friend was telling me about her reason to migrate and it was astonishing. What she described was taken out of Orwell's 1984, but without physical torture. She told me to enjoy and relish Venezuelan humour and other things we still have. Maybe we won't be having all that for too long. Who knows? I bet she's right. But there's nothing I can do to change that. Still, I keep my chin up and face the day with my whole range of emotions trying to be better. Even when my view isn't perfect, and nor is my future in this land.

I don't have your issues, the country-specific situations the people in your country face and in comparison my life would probably look incredibly comfortable. I remember that before I whinge and complain. Sometimes I feel a little odd about it to be honest, like when I read posts by @hlezama about having no water for four days and more. But I was born here and not there and the issues I have, the moods and attitudes, are commensurate to my situation here, the country and myself. It is that way for all of us I suppose.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I rarely whinge about it and, only then, for that cathartic feeling I get, as you mention. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, provided action follows.

I get the feeling you're doing your best and that's all anyone can ask if themselves. I try to do the same, but sometimes the mood gets me down and I backslide. I think it's human.

Yeah, the water issue is coming back and forth. It's a like a cycle of shortages manipulated by the government. First, food; then, electricity; medicine; now, water. And there's nothing we can do about it. It's some cunning plot!

And yeah, we can only do so much until our tolerance for the situations gets torn to shreds and we need to rebuild it.

Human greed is a powerful force and something so many are unable to control. When those in power, or positions of having more power than others, defer to their greed bad things happen for those others. It's always been the way. Fortunately humans have a great ability for endurance, although it's not right that people should have to, due to the greed of others.

There is a way forward for your country, those at the top are just not going to let it happen I think.

We got to this place thanks a whole lot of bad decisions and people's resentment towards each other. These idiots in power were mostly riff-raff of society. It's not a surprise the whole idea has been to distribute misery. That's the only thing the ever knew. And of course, enriching themselves and their families has been another deal-breaker. Yes, it's all about greed and manipulation. I don't see any way forward whole this regime stays in power. Unfortunately, they are the ones with the means to do something for a change.

The French Revolution began for this very reason. It didn't go well for those in power as I'm sure you know.

Yeah, but the French Revolution led to a period of terror and bloodshed, followed by bad administrations, empires, and republics, a failed commune and lots of other things. This whole regine started from revolutionary ideas.

Time for a walkabout and nature therapy !

I could name SO many reasons why I shouldn't have a care in the world. The good things are many and the bad things are usually temporary annoyances. Still, sometimes I let the little things get too me for a few and I never understand why. Sometimes I think it is chemical, like, tilts on the inside, because on the outside, there is simply not enough to affect me like that.

Fortunately, most of the time it passes pretty fast and I am glad of that. Tilted outlooks do not make for happy spaces.

Hope you get back in the happy balance soon.

Time for a walkabout and nature therapy

I think you and I agree that it's always time for that. (Well, almost always)

I could name SO many reasons why I shouldn't have a care in the world. The good things are many and the bad things are usually temporary annoyances. Still, sometimes I let the little things get too me for a few and I never understand why. Sometimes I think it is chemical, like, tilts on the inside, because on the outside, there is simply not enough to affect me like that.

This is a nice way to put it and I feel the same. Do we do it to challenge ourselves? I mean, subconsciously? Like, is it the brain saying, things will get bad sooner or later so you better train for it. here's some bad stuff to deal with?

Hope you get back in the happy balance soon.

I really can't complain too much when compared to other people who have much bigger problems, but my problems and challenges are my own and seem difficult enough at times to affect me adversely, so thanks for the sentiment. I'm feeling ok today which is a good thing as I have six face-to-face appointments for work. Lol. The G-dog knows what's up though, and will make it happen.

There is always value and lessons to be learned from each of your posts, thank you very much for that.Hi Mr @galenkp

Many elements come together and affect something. In the context of our point of view and attitude towards something, the elements that come together are factors that come from outside and that are beyond our control.

But our point of view and attitude is completely in our control, it's a choice. It's up to us to choose.

I totally agree with you, that viewpoints and attitudes are built over a long time and it takes a process. As long as we hope and keep trying to be better, then nothing is impossible. The best people are those who are useful to others, so if we are still unable to do good, then don't hurt others.

But your point of view and attitude is completely in your control, it's a choice. It's up to you to choose.

As is yours.

I think it's important for me to look inwardly for the solutions and paths forward.

Other people don't deserve our sourness indeed, especially if they are not involve in every bits of it. That's why I often do self-healing and ponder on things that can help me geth through it.

Hi, @galenkp! That's a nice photo you captures there. I feel like sitting in that porch all afternoon and write all my thoughts down. The place is calming.

For others to know us and want to engage with us, we must know and engage with ourselves. In that way we become the person others want to be with.

Thanks for your comment.

Beautiful view

It seems that the trip you took was very pleasant, and it's hard to forget,

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