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RE: Not clouds

in Self Improvement3 years ago

Hi @nikkabomb, thanks for your comment and sharing your personal story and some very personal information.

We, as humans, sometimes have to face terrible times and at times those moments are so painful we can't seem to see through them to the other side. that's when we're at risk of breaking I guess and when that happens we can often make decisions based around the pain and suffering.

The thing is that we're not always strong, can't always be that way, and so often need to look for support from others. It's at those times when we can draw strength from those around us who have been through similar to what we have or at least understand it, the pain and strife, the desperation we feel. It's ok to rely on people sometimes and I believe it's a strong person who askes for help when he or she needs it.

The paths we walk are not always smooth and not always do they take us through beautiful gardens bathed in sunshine and full of flowers. Sometimes there's storms, rain, thunder and lightning and sometimes the paths are rough...But as we travel we can be helped along by others, inspired and uplifted, and as that happens we learn, we gain strength and we move forward.

I think you've had this journey and understand what I'm saying. It's good to have you around to make this comment and I look forward to seeing you around some more. I'll end with my life ethos which I end my posts with...Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default. Also, remember it's a strength to ask for help when you need it, not a weakness.


Thank you so much @galenkp. I will put more effort in designing my own life the way I want it to be. And I will try harder to try to reach out when I need help. I'd be reading more of your posts. :)

Never fail to reach out, you may be surprised who is there to help.

Thank you @galenkp. 🥺