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RE: Segments and sections

in Self Improvement2 years ago

It's fucken bonkers Boomy, the way some people are so callous with their own lives, so wasteful. I just don't get it. Death is only a second away, like, any second. Look what happened to that nutbag brother of mine with his stroke; it could have been lights out. It's the same for all and so, doesn't it make sense to furnish one's life with beauty, happiness, laughter and surely it makes fucken sense to actively participate in one's own life? What the bloody fuck?

Today for instance, I was wandering around taking photos in the Adelaide University and heard the most beautiful music coming from one of the Conservatorium of Music buildings. It was amazing...I parked myself there for 45 minutes and lived so life, soaked in some beauty. It's not that fucken hard right? (I'm writing that post as we speak.)

I feel sorry for people like your sister in-law to be honest but, it's on them, only they can find the life-spark; I hope they do I guess. I don't leave my life to chance and don't think anyone should. But what do I know?

It seems that into every life some cunts must fall... 😀


Also, doesn't that photo above look like one of those helmets road-toads use? (I mean those chaps in lycra that pushbike on the roads in peloton's as if they're in the Tour de France.