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RE: Think like a leader: Week twelve

in Self Improvement2 years ago

To be honest I don't know the exact context of the quote snipper, like you it's been some time since I read the book...Bloody hell, now I have to go read it again.

Leadership, in one aspect simple is initiative. I have seen those not in positive of leadership take and show initiative and lead others to great things...and themselves.

People take the word leadership and turn it into finger-pointing, giving orders, entitlement and the like...Sure, it can be that, but it's so many other things besides. Most p poor have no clue what a real leader looks like as opposed to a leader in name only or one of those pathetic political creatures or managers people have. A title doesn't make a leader.

I learned something about Machiavelli today...more research needed now. Thanks man!


Hey, at least it's a quick read.

I saw a lot of that in 2020 at the protests here, ordinary people who'd never thought of themselves as leaders stepping up and doing stuff because it needed to be done and inspiring others to do the same.

A title doesn't make a leader.


I learned about that by accident, included The Art of War on a christmas list one year and didn't specify Sun Tzu and ended up with Machiavelli's instead. It's not as timeless as Sun Tzu's but is still and interesting book. My pleasure!

You mention the protests...a perfect example of ordinary people leading. No differing than the person who stops to assist someone with a broken down car or being attacked...Leading happens all around us, all the time.

G-dog has some orders to make. Thanks man. ✅