So many people give me the, not a leader line in response to these posts, but I bet, given some research, I could find many ways in which they actually do lead.
Not all leaders ride a horse waving a sabre above their head whilst galloping headlong at the enemy in the vanguard of a cavalry charge with bannermen to either side and trumpets blaring.
Some just apply techniques to get the best out of those around them: Workers, friends and family, themselves. They also think about their actions, cause and effect, and seek to improve those so that they are better able to push forward to solutions, outcomes and ultimate success in whatever they set out to do. I'd say, you probably do these things in some manner.
People confuse the term leader with simply doing what's required to move a thing forward to completion, resolution or a better than before state.
Leading a good life is leading, in my humble opinion.
Very wise and profound. I'd like to think that I am doing my best to live a good life. You just need to convince all the people at work who think I am an asshole for me ;)
Haha, those people have no clue, only you do. A good life is subjective I guess. As long as it's not at someone else's expense and no one is being hurt, I say proceed regardless.
Yes, it is very subjective. I think we all find our own happiness different ways and if you can hold that for a decent amount of time, good for you.
This is very wisely said indeed.