Humans in general have shown great resilience, the ability for hard work and effort and to affect and adopt change; that's what has allows them to advance and prosper. The Vikings were no different. They didn't mind hard work, certainly strategized and new how to take action.
These days there's many lessons to learn from history...But it's easier to get something for nothing, to expect something and to want other people to make the effort rather than oneself.
Again, just a generalisation, but certainly one that is applicable through society.
Well, one doesn't need to be a Norn to see how history gets to repeat itself as we go forward.
It tends to work out. Haven't you heard of the idea of Psycho-History? The idea that the decisions made by humans as a collective can be predicted by statistical information.
I'm not familiar with Psycho-History, but I know a few psycho or two.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Aren't we all? Well, it's a made up science taken out from sci-fi novels, but it sure makes a lot of sense.
A little bit yes. Re: psychos. Lol.
Haha! Would have more impact if he mixed up the edges though.
I bet! But some psychos are careful.
Not everyone that likes knives is a psycho lol. You guys are being very anti Viking for a Viking post Hahaha
Uhm, the psycho thing doesn't have anything to do with the Viking theme, it was just an off topic for something I mentioned.