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RE: Think like a Viking: Part fifty one

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I like that quote, and the use of the word mission. It indicates that evaluation, planning and strategic action is required...because it is.

Facing ourselves is often the greatest battle and you have, in mt humble opinion, spoken correctly, *the dropping of one's ego and the façade we show outwardly can be a big step towards the ownership, responsibility and honesty we must display to ourselves to find the courage you speak of.

Ultimately it comes down to the choice

So...You're in my head? This is exactly what I was thinking as I wrote this post. The choice to act or not, indeed, the choice to find the reasons for the right attitude or not.


You like my quote do you? Thank you, I will wear that as a badge of honour!

Facing ourselves is often the greatest battle

This is exactly it. Honesty at your most vulnerable point. It can be the turning point to better things.

It's a good quote, yes.