History Has Been Written + GIVEAWAY

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Image courtesy to Canva


It's official! One of my goals was finally reached... after two years since it was set, lol!

It might sound funny, but both in 2022 and 2023 I've set my goal on this platform to finally hit that 2,000 followers milestone, yet a thing that didn't happen until yesterday when I made it. A proof that some things don't happen when you want, but when it is supposed to.

Actually, I have to be honest that both in 2022 and 2023 my activity on the chain was pretty reduced due to all the things that kept me busy both in real life and mentally, but as I fell into the trap of "New Year, new me", I said that it's finally the moment to invest more of my time doing the activities I enjoy. And I did. And I'll keep doing it as best as I can.

So while 2023 ended up pretty basic for me, giving up on setting goals for 2024 especially since none I've set in the previous years didn't come true, 2024 was a new excuse for me to invest more of my skill, time, and myself into some activities. An example is beginning my career as a gaming YouTuber after another 3 years since the channel was all set up and ready to go. But never really had the motivation to go further since I was constantly discouraged by those who mattered a lot to me, as well as having my travel YouTube channel that never managed to reach the right audience or simply catch the attention I was aiming for.

While there is a long way ahead to see how the gaming YouTube channel will evolve and if it will become another success of 2024, one thing is certain: the first 2024 success - Reaching 2,000 followers!!!


If you check for how long I've been on the chain, you will see that I joined this beautiful world in December 2017, and perhaps it's a goal that many people achieved faster than me. But the veterans will know that the visibility both accounts and posts get in 2024 is not the same as what it used to be like back then. Especially since we had no communities, no Hive but a different platform, and a lot of features missing from the ones that make the chain a lot easier these days.

Obviously, I won't try to get excuses as I am aware that reaching this goal now is because of me since my engagement was not constant which is one of the few things that remained the same. Namely, if you don't engage, it's impossible to grow an account. Whether it's on Hive, YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, and so on.

So if you feel a bit lost with that follower number being stuck for a while, don't give up! - I've been there just like you. Just keep pushing more, dedicating more time around the chain, as well as producing great content as quality will always be over quantity, and the results won't miss appearing.


Source: Tenor

I won't make this post too busy with advice and tips and tricks as it's obviously I'm not the one able to offer them since I still learn new things daily, but just believe in you, your potential, and your journey on here, especially that it's been proven countless times about the power Hive has to change both lives and people for the better.

The single thing you can do is, actually, to remain active, both in posts and in engagement, as many people tend to onboard when things are pretty and the value of the coin is up, and equally many leave or become inactive when everything is down. But in this world is important to be different and stay around no matter the challenges the platform faces, especially since each of us brings its contribution without even realizing it, by simply being around.

Plus, you are going to meet and connect with lots of people sharing common passions, which is a big win that many of us don't find that easy in real life, so enjoy the small piece of cake before having the whole cake for yourself!


Source: Tenor

Anyway, along with achieving this milestone which I have to THANK TO ALL OF YOU!!! either if you've been around since the beginning of my journey or a bit later, I also have two things to share with you:

1. Giveaway for two lucky winners:

  • 10 HBD for the 1st place.
  • 10 HIVE for the 2nd place.

The winners will be picked randomly from the comment section when this post gets to the payout.

(7 days deadline)

Not sure if it's much or not, perhaps it's very few for some and a decent amount for others, but I'm sure the winners will make the best of it either if investing back in the platform, stacking, or using them with different purposes.

The next goal is anything between 3,000 - 5,000 followers which obviously involves a long way ahead but which will also bring some more valuable prizes since this is my first giveaway held and I'm still figuring out how things work.


Source: Tenor

2. Looking for new people to follow:
This is, perhaps, a more exciting part of the post for both you and me. This is, actually, another first for me, announcing publicly that I'm interested in meeting and connecting with a lot more people than I currently am.

I recently cleared my following list off inactive accounts, so I feel like I should have a lot more activity in my feed. Based on these thoughts, along with the daily personal chase through my activity on here, I would really appreciate if you could recommend anyone.

It can be a friend, a newbie, or even yourself. Just make sure to write a summary in the comment section and I'll make sure to follow you in case we have common interests or simply enjoy your content.


Source: Tenor

Last but not least, as any giveaway comes with rules, there are also a few to be eligible for any of the two mentioned:

  • follow my account.
  • leave a comment, either some personal thoughts or a quick summary of the person I should follow (that would make you eligible for both prizes).
  • optional reblog this post to reach more people.

As I think there is no limit to following people, I'm really open to following as many as possible as long as I find your account/content interesting. I know these are just numbers, but they really matter a lot since it's a nice way of meeting new people and it encourages us in one way or another to push further together.

That's all from me, and again, I'm really grateful for every single follower, like, and person who took the time to stop by any of my posts. This year couldn't begin any better than this, and it's all thanks to you. ❤️


Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (260+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 550+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

Let's keep in touch:
Blog: http://gabrielastravels.wordpress.com/
YouTube Travel: https://www.youtube.com/@GabrielaTravels
YouTube Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/@DoiLupi
Instagram Travel: https://www.instagram.com/GabrielaTravels/
Instagram Gaming: https://www.instagram.com/doilupigaming/
Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/gabrielatv/
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@gabrielastravels/
Discord: GabrielaTravels
Facebook Travel: https://www.facebook.com/gabrielaistraveling/
Facebook Gaming: https://www.facebook.com/doilupigaming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GabrielaTravels

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What a cool milestone to reach! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the importance of engagement and getting out there- it can be hard sometimes with RL, but it does make such a huge difference!

I can't imagine how you manage to run both a gaming YT AND Travel blog!! You're a superstar!

As for follows, here's a few people I follow:

coffeenlove - She doesn't post super often, but I always love her blogs. If you are a coffee fan and want to learn more about the harvesting/ roasting process, she's your gal.

becca-mac - Her blogs always feel cozy to me. Full of gratitude and lovely musings.

jhymi - She writes on a variety of topics. I personally really enjoy her fiction stories, which are vibrant and entertaining! Her reflective posts are wonderful as well!

Cheers to 2k and beyond! 🤗

Thank you so much for the kind and meaningful words and for taking part in the contest. Tomorrow I'll announce the winners 🏆❤️

Wow, that´s a big one! Congrats! You are right, building a follower base is increasingly difficult. Out of my current followers, the majority was gained during my first years. I don´t know why but getting new followers these days it´s more difficult than it was back in 2017 and 2018. I guess the price of the token is one of the important factors... Anyway, congrats again and good luck reaching 3k! :)

@tipu curate 2

I feel you with gathering followers back in 2017-2018 being a lot easier, but maybe because it was also a lot harder to catch up with someone's posts while now if you access a community you have everything in one place from more people than one. If that makes sense, lol.

Anyway, thank you! I know it's not much in comparison with you, for example, who have almost double what I have, lol. But a goal achieved it's still a nice feeling! :)

Hugs from Romania. Hope you and you family are alright :D

Well, I totally agree that things are much better, fair and organized now on the chain than it was back in the old wild days of Steem but for some reason, building a fan base was easier back then...

In my particular case, I think hosting various contests and challenges has helped a lot. People like to participate where they can win something so to not miss out on the chance, they give you a follow :)

That makes sense. I wish I could host this kind of things more often but I was really discouraged by how it turned out 🥺

I know. Patience and persistence are the key. I have been hosting my contests for long years so now, they are quite well established, known and popular but I remember how frustrating it was to organize them in the first weeks and months when nobody knew about them and nobody participated in them :D :/

I can relate haha

Congratulations to you on your milestone. I would say first hand that I know it mustn't have been easy but I guess that when you genuinely enjoy doing something, you don't count it as a chore or anything and that in itself is beautiful. Cheers to all your dreams. They are feasible and definitely achievable. And I wish you the very best dear. It's the beginning of the new year so I hope you get everything you wish for.🌺🤗

Thank you so much! A new year also means plenty of opportunities ahead so I hope I'll be able to come with even more surprises for the community soon 😁

That's amazing. Looking forward to it dear.🤗

Congratulations on your success @gabrielatravels, you will surely achieve more success in the future. Just continue doing your passions in life don't be discouraged by some things that doesn't go in your way, that will make you bolder

I'm waiting for your next achievements!!

Thank you so much 🙏🏻

Congrats!!! 🥳🍾🎉 Well done! I'm sure you will get 5k in no time 🤩

Thank you! I'll mark your words, ha! 🤜🏻🤛🏻

ops 😱😱😱 got myself into a pickle, I guess 🤷😜

Well done you!! I am happy to have got 500+ onwards and upwards

That's a beautiful amount of followers too! Well done too! 💪🏻

cheers @gabrielatravels I don't do goals but I am aiming to maybe get to 600 this year, ah crap I have set a goal

Haha. Good luck with that non-goal!

cheers lol

Having 2000 followers is a lot
And I’m sure that people know you write fantastic contents
Keep up the good job
Congratulations to you

That's so kind of you! Thank you so much, darling!

Congratulations @gabrielatravels, I've been a little out of action and was led here by your latest travel post.
Were you also part of @ethandsmith's thesteemengine a looong while back on the old chain, or am I thinking of someone else?
Nevertheless, keep those travel posts coming and you're sure to reach your next goalpost, well done!

Better late than never haha. Thank you for also checking this one out 🥰🙏🏻

Were you also part of @ethandsmith's thesteemengine a looong while back on the old chain, or am I thinking of someone else?

Yes!! That's right! That was very early when my account was just a few months old. Really grateful for all those people helping me when I was only at the beginning. Too sad not many of them are around anymore 🥺

Congrats for your achievement! 🎉 Picking up your career as a gaming YT will definitely expose you to a different audience. And who knows? ... You might garner more success than you did with your travel vlog.

Thank you so much! ❤️
Maybe. I really wouldn't mind that as both gaming and traveling passions were discovered quite at the same time 😁

Congrats for your milestone!

I'll think of some recommendations. I've been trying myself to find some new photographers to follow but things are so low lately!

But I'll get back to you :)

Looking forward to that! And thank you for taking part in :)

I may be late but I haven't forgotten my promise :)

Well here are my suggestions:

@jlinaresp Rural landscapes and street photography from Venezuela. Good photography, consistent writing and always some interesting thoughts to go with the pictures.

@x-rain A neat photographer from Southeast Asia. A mixture of street and travel photography.

@onyfest Travel blogger from Portugal. Nice photographs, good writing, not as thorough as yours but well made posts.

I have followed all three of them during the last weeks and so far I like their content, I hope you will too!

Cheers :)

Dear @fotostef friend, thank you very much for that opinion you just expressed about me! 🙏😊 it honors me very much!... Sending hugs and regards!...


You are welcome. I only said what I see :)

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Hello @fotostef Thank you so much for your recommendation, it really means a lot to me 🤗

You are welcome, keep up the good work :)

For sure 🙂

I already have @onyfest on my following list as his content caught my attention recently but going to follow the other 2 as well. They do seem like what I enjoy seeing shared in my feed 😜

Thank you for your recommendations 💪🏻

You are welcome :)

Thank you for this kind recommendation! 😎🥂

You are welcome :)

Congratulations! That's quite an achievement! One I hope to replicate in the not too distant future.

Thank you! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Thank you! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


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