What About You?

in Self Improvement2 years ago

There's something I've been thinking about lately and today I decided to finally write about it.

I've published a couple of snowy photos in the past two weeks as it's the season, it's winter and although snow should be normal, it isn't. It is becoming a rarity as time passes. Yesterday I also wrote that it's cold. This morning was -13°C outside. I was expecting some funny reactions as I know quite many of you have never seen snow, let alone experience such low temperatures.

We have users from all over the world, which means normal means different things to us. For me, it is normal to have four seasons (although we only have 3 lately) and temperatures between -20°C and +35°C (give or take). Others only have 2 seasons, the dry and the rainy season and their wardrobe consists of summer clothes and maybe a few long sleeve items.

Getting out of your comfort zone is always a challenge, some like to do it all the time, while others are better off in their cozy corner, enjoying what they got used to.

I was thinking what would be the worst for me, if I would change location unwillingly and would be forced to live in another country. This time I'm not talking about economical hardship, or criminality. Those are major factors, but today I'm not interested in discussing those.

I'm going to list a few things I would definitely not like, not in any particular order though.


Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Extreme Heat

One of the things that would make my life miserable is extreme heat. We know there are countries where the temperature can rise to 45°C and the average temperature is around 28°C. Summer can be hot here as well and we sometimes have +35°C, even higher, close to +40°C, but only for a few days, a week max. When there's so hot, I feel like my brain is not functioning as normal. My productivity is reduced and the only thing I'm praying for is for the day to be over.

Obviously we have air conditioning, which helps a lot, but even with air conditioning, you are a prisoner locked inside the four walls. So as long as you stay inside you're ok, when you go out, you get a heat shock as the difference between the inside temperature and the outside one is huge. Maybe in time I would get used to it, but I still prefer moderate temperatures during summer. My energy level is higher, my mood is better, so if I can choose, I would never choose those countries for long term living.



Lack Of Space

When it comes to space, we all have different preferences. Some prefer to live in a 10 bedroom house, even if they only use 2 of them, just to show people they are wealthy and when you look into their finances, you see that everything is owned by the bank. In Europe, we don't have such habits. I personally prefer as much space I a usually use. Having a couple of spare rooms for guests is nice, but it's not necessarily a must at all costs.

Not long ago I was watching a video about Japan's housing problems and how every little space is utilized, transformed into something. Everything is multifunctional, every little corner is used, which looks like a nice and a smart solution, but being locked in such a tiny room, full of all things may have an impact on my mental health long term.

If you grow up not having much space, maybe it would be easier, but moving from a comfortable flat to a very tiny and crowded room, would be a nightmare for me long term.


Photo by Alp Duran on Unsplash


Last year I had a chat with a someone on Hive, who was complaining about the constant noise outside his flat. He said there was always a construction site around the apartment building he was living in and that there was noise till late night. I remember I told him I am willing to sacrifice space to have quiet and light and I mean that.


I grew up in a sunny place and have always loved light. No matter how bad your day is, or how cold it is outside, some light can work wonders, can brighten your day and change your mood significantly as well.

I was thinking, how it would feel like to live in Norway for example, where the sun rises at 9am during winter and sets at 3pm. Now imagine having a 9 to 5 job, or a 8 to 4 job. You leave home when it's still dark and come home when it's already dark. You spend the most precious hours of the day, at your workplace and you never get to enjoy a little sun or some light. Living a couple of months like that can have a serious impact on your mood and mental health as well. No wonder winter depression is so common in Nordic countries.

I could go on with the list, but I think these are the major ones. These are three things that I am always careful of, no matter where I go. When in vacation, I try to look for suitable accommodation and make my stay enjoyable.

So what about you?

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This is a very interesting post. I am from Spain and I have lived in different countries: Germany, Netherlands, Australia and Indonesia.

Living in Germany and in the Netherlands were like you described. In winter I didn't see the light because I would go to work and it was dark and when finishing as well. On the contrary in spring and summer there is more light than in Spain. I remember that you had daylight until 11pm. The houses are nice, comfortable and spacious since they spend a lot of time at home. The inconvenient is that you have to bring everything (even the floor and lamps)....

Australia is as big as Europe so depending on where you live you find different weather. I spent the summer there in Tasmania which weather was nice during the day and cool at nights. In Queensland is terrible. The houses are also spacious, but you also have to bring the furniture.

In Spain the weather is nice all year except July and August when is too hot and January/February when is "cold" (I am from the south of Spain so compare to the NEtherlands and Germany is not cold at all). The houses really depends on where you live. The challenge here is to find a peaceful place to live.

Indonesia is tropical weather. Yes it rains a lot but the weather is nice the whole year around. The houses are different for locals than for foreigners. Villas are super nice but nowadays very expensive. A few years ago was a paradise. Now is not, and a big problem is that almost everywhere you have mold and people can get very sick breathing this.

I'm thinking about moving to south of Portugal. If I move there I will share more on this.

Is there a perfect place to live? Yes and no. Everywhere has pros and cons. For me is important the weather, having the ocean/sea nearby, good quality houses (doesn't need to be spacious) and nice people around. A mix between Spain and Indonesia would be great!

Winter in Germany and Netherlands can be a bit tricky, depending where you are. I've been in both countries, in October in Germany, November in the Netherlands and wind and rain made my days a bit difficult.

I left out the tropical weather from my post as it was getting too long, but humidity would be a factor to consider.

You are right that wherever you live, there are pros and cons, so that's why I see a compromise, between summer and winter residence, if you can afford it and you're not tied to a single place.

I see you chose a mix between Spain and Indonesia :) Interesting.

Hi there! I always tell my friends I love a rainy season, much more if it is winter. But then, I live in a tropical country so I could only love the winter in movies I watch and books I read. The temperature here could rise from 26° C to 35° C, even staying in my room feels like I've been roasted, literally. I'm best hanging out near our window to keep myself sane.

If I am forced as well to live in another country, I just hope there's winter there. Growing up in a sunny place is one of the reasons why going out in broad daylight is not an option too. Maybe when we go to beach, that'd be perfect. But summer season just drain so much of my energy more than my guts to attempt in socializing, sigh.

You may feel winter differently as you may not be used to it, but no matter how cold it is, I have more energy during winter. Hot summer is killing me.

High humidity is another thing that is not my favorite, but we don't have that here.

I have lived in both the extremes of heat and cold. As horrible as they really are, I would choose a place that does not rain ALL THE TIME! I have lived in Hangzhou for a few years where both the heat and cold goes to the extremes, but what annoyed me most about the weather of the beautiful city was the relentless rain! If I had the choice I'd always prefer a place that rains within limits!

Lack of space hasn't bothered me much, but light is very very important for me. When I was house hunting a few months back, this was one criteria I would not compromise. I am just not a fan of dark gloomy rooms when the world outside is shining bright with sunlight and blue skies!

Too much is always a problem, no matter what we are talking about. There has to be a balance. Too much rain can be frustrating. I'm not accustomed to it as with climate change rain is less and less, but when I was in Germany, there was raining every single day in Hanover. I could not make a plan to go out, without taking my umbrella, which most of the times was useless as the wind was blowing from every direction and you got wet in 5 seconds.

Light is life in my opinion. Simple as that.

umbrella, which most of the times was useless as the wind was blowing from every direction and you got wet in 5 seconds

Ah! Been there, done that! So infuriating when there's a strong wind to go with the rain.

Getting out of your comfort zone is always a challenge, some like to do it all the time, while others are better off in their cozy corner, enjoying what they got used to.

This is something I could very much relate to. I would love to be able to travel everywhere in this world. I like seeing things for the first time. I like diversity so much and I’m very interested in seeing what other places look like.

But unfortunately, I’ve only lived this dream on the internet and never in reality. I spend most of my time on the internet watching travel videos and reading about what other places look like. I live in northern Ghana and I have never even been to the capital in the south.

I have a sickle cell hemoglobin condition and because of that, the idea of moving out of my comfort zone freaks me out at times. Even my comfort zone becomes uncomfortable at times and I keep changing my room curtains depending on the season of the year.

I’m allergic to anything unusual. I get frequent crisis in extreme heat seasons and in extremely cold weather. I like the idea of roaming around the world and fortunately, I have unlimited internet access. 👍🏿

I'm sorry to hear about your health problems. Must be difficult to find the suitable setup that can make your life comfortable.

Traveling is a nice thing to do,I've always loved it. Unfortunately for the past few years I only traveled in the country, but that doesn't mean things are not going to change.

Hive is our way to travel as you can see places from all over the world without leaving your home.

That’s right. That’s why I want to say a big thank you for sharing those beautiful snowflakes with all of us. You make things happen

My pleasure and I'm glad I can help, even if it is just by my posts.

Humans are adaptable, if we were not we'd not have thrived like a plague as we have. Anyway, we tend to get used to a situation and work around it where possible I guess and that means with temperature, space, light or noise also. Having said that, we also have preference and choice so can work towards finding the right situation for us as individuals.

I wonder how many are content with their living arrangements and location...and how many actively work towards a set goal of affecting change.

Of course we can adapt, but life is short, so if you could choose your ideal location, would be better. And I agree with you on wondering how many are working towards achieving their goals. For many it is easier to just complain and blame others, posting as a victim, rather than take matters into their hands and change the situation.

Blame seems to be the default thing for many people these days, it might work to get around their own shortcomings in their minds, but in reality it doesn't get a person very far.

My thoughts exactly.

As always I love your themes and your pictures, although today is more writing. But well, I think your tastes are very similar to mine.

I like cool weather, too much cold is not good for me, it takes away my energies.

And too much heat suffocates me, it has already happened to me many times in very hot areas of my country I get these episodes. And it's like you say, if there is air conditioning cool I could stand it, but if the light goes out as a rare thing in my country is the problem grab me because I can not breathe.

As for the size of the house, I would like one not so big nor too small. I like my family and friends to visit me. Horita I currently live in a very small one and this has been a trauma for me I don't wish it on anyone. We are looking for another home but here it is hard to get!

Well I think I'm talking a lot, a pleasure to read you and share with you a little of my likes greetings @erikah your post made me drain a little🤭👋

Yes, this one is writing and the next one will be as well and I'm glad to hear we have similar taste.

Yes, air conditioning works where power is guaranteed and not interrupted constantly like in some countries.

We agree on the size of the house as well. It's nice to have a spare room or two, but not a palace.

Now that I look at your profile photo, I think I remember your story, have read it how you went looking for an apartment to rent and how many times you were rejected or the apartment was not what you wanted. I'm lucky to have my own, but finding an apartment where I live would be a struggle.

Thanks for the nice comment and I wish you a happy weekend, it's almost here :)

Gracias 🤗 igual para ti. Feliz fin de semana 💫

Living in a country with only two seasons, in my city is one of the coldest parts but not to the extent that you tell us, even so I tell you that I prefer the heat of my homeland in Venezuela which is also a very tropical country. In terms of space I could live comfortably with just enough for my daughter and I to be comfortable. Light has to be indispensable in my life, feeling those first rays of the day give me life, they literally make me feel that I am really alive.

Nice to read you friend @erikah 😉

Light has to be indispensable in my life, feeling those first rays of the day give me life, they literally make me feel that I am really alive.

That is gold, trust me. I wake up every morning with sunshine and it makes my day from the first moment of the day.

We humans have made our life a mess, In the greed of getting big houses, big cars, levish life style, we forget to our basics, that's why we are having so much problem even having everything we ever wanted ? We need to rethink what really we want. Is it the wealthy life style or just peace in our life ?
I live in a place where temperature goes over 40 to 45 every summer. One of the hottest city of my country.

That is total bullshit and I disagree with it. Generalizing like that because you're frustrated with your life is wrong.

It's your right to be disagree to anything, I'll respect that.

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Wow I like your post and I think your country is far far better then we’re I have come from.
My country is very wise when it comes to temperature.
Over here In Ghana, I think you can’t stay here because the weather is very hot.
And we’re in staying in ghana here, there was some time when we recovered 47 degrees.
So we are uses to that weather.. lol.
I think you cannot stay in my country.
The weather is very bad.
As for us, we are used to it and we normally don’t complain..lol
Once again thanks for sharing.

Yendo a lo que mensionas de la zona de confort admito que soy una persona que no le gusta experimentar mucho cosas nuevas especialmente en el area dela comida, series o lectura. De por si no me gustan la comida extraña, frutas o verduras asi que si voy a comer a algun lado prefiero siempre pedir algo que se que me va a gustar. Desdeel lado de las series o libros prefiero que alguien me de su recomendación más que nada para no perder el tiempo con algo que no me va a gustar pero bueno eso tambien es necesario para conocernos.