The hottest topic on Hive these days seems to be AI generated content. Everyone has an opinion about it, including me and the fight is getting more intense it seems. Initially I wanted to stay away from it, but after seeing the latest reasons for using AI, I decided to voice my opinion. Please note, I don't want to convert anyone or change their opinion. Most of you should be old enough to make your own decisions. I just want to make a note with my 2 cents on the topic.
You're free to use AI where you want, even on Hive as no one can stop you. You can be downvoted,blacklisted and have to be ready to face the music if you're caught posting AI generated text, without mentioning it and declining the rewards. Some users are ok with these rules, others are against it, which is not a surprise as we are not thinking the same way and we also have different goals on Hive.
What seems odd to me is the reasons you see mentioned when someone is caught using AI to generate posts. One that I want to mention today is using AI to improve grammar, get better sentences or improve your English in general.
Some of you who are following me may know, English is not my first language. My primary goal on Hive has always been to improve my English. Looking back at where and how I started ... 🤦♀. I think this is enough to express what it was like writing a post back then. Since then, I'd say I've improved a lot, but this is my opinion. However, today I'm not here to discuss my progress, but to express my opinion on the mentioned matter.
Who Are You Trying To Fool?
For the sake of the argument, let's say someone is using AI to improve their grammar. I've never used the service, have no idea which platform does that, but logic says you insert your writing and the app gives you back an improved version of your writing, which, if I'm honest, it's not your writing anymore as it's the app's. So what do you do? You copy the text into your post, maybe add a few words like till next time and press Publish.
Now tell me honestly, how is this helping you? Apart from the fact that your article may look more professional in your eyes and more AI written or spun in the eye of others, what have you accomplished with this? How does this make you a better person? How does this improve your language skills or your writing? It doesn't.
Same goes to knowledge. AI can add a lot to your articles, things you don't know as that's the purpose of using AI. Again, you copy the content to your blog post and publish it. Does that make you a better writer? Doubt it. Besides, using AI in your posts and using your own words when commenting can give you away immediately.
When these people are caught, you see the funniest excuses. If you've been here long enough, you know the whole repertoire but even so, people are inventive this way and sometimes you see some new ones. My favorite so far is I've fallen victim of plagiarism or now maybe you can add AI to that list too. Well, you've fallen victim of your own self as you've committed those acts, no one has forced you to do it.
Photo by Tanner Van Dera on Unsplash
What You May Fail To See
I've been on Hive for more than 5 years now and I'm writing about different topics, like art, gardening, photography, travel, cooking, baking, sports, finance, needlework, you name it. In 5 years no one has told me my English is sh*t or made me feel bad because (definitely) I made mistakes in every post. No one! Not once. Looking up technical terms has helped me learn a lot and the process is not over as there's always something to learn.
As a curator, I'm reading tens of posts on a daily bases and come across all kinds of posts, good, bad, very bad and excellent too. I've written a few newbie guides as well to help those who are starting out on Hive. I remember in one of them I said lack of inspiration makes users go brows the internet and look for ideas as they want to look smart.
This is when you see posts about how to beat cancer, top 5 things you have to know if you want to be a successful businessperson, 10 tips to be a successful trader, 8 health benefits of this or that. One day the user is an expert on how to beat low sperm count, next day on how pregnant women behave and why, next week you see them posting about how helium appears in the atmosphere. source
With AI, you can be an expert in pretty much everything. The question is, do you really think people won't realize you're using tools to help you in content creating? Do you think people are interested reading these topics from you, when they know you most likely have no clue about either of these topics?
What Do You Want? What's Your Goal?
If you're here to make a quick buck, then you don't care how you make that buck, as long as it's in your pocket. If you are really here to improve in whatever area you like (as many say), then using apps to do the job for you is not going to help you for sure.
Looking at the bigger picture, what do you think, where can cutting corners lead? Copying in school, plagiarizing at university, cheating on Hive ... We keep talking about decentralization, freedom, better life and so on, but when the opportunity comes to change something in better, cutting corners seems easier. Freedom comes with responsibilities and the only way to be a better version of yourself is to put in the necessary work. Cutting corners, inventing excuses, beg for forgiveness, then start all over again is the fastest way to nowhere. Walking the same path and expecting different outcome is also ... stupid.
Better question, what do you want for Hive?
Just my two cents, you decide what's best for you.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:
- Communities Explained - Newbie Guide
- Cross Posting And Reposting Explained, Using PeakD
- Hive Is Not For Me
- How To Pump Your Reputation Fast - Newbie Guide
- Tips And Tricks & Useful Hive Tools For Newbies
- Community List And Why It Is Important To Post In The Right Community

I agree that not only should we address what, but why. Why do people post what they do? I really hope that it’s just a simple fad because it takes the humanity out of the community. ChatGPT doesn’t have a soul, it makes a few mistakes but not the human kind. Errors in a post add to the genuineness of it all. This was very thought provoking and makes you think about the poster using the AI. Have a good one!
You're right, there's no emotion in such text, but those eager to use it are not looking for a writing with motion, but some quick rewards, so I don't think they care.
I totally agree with this. Using AI is plagiarism and cheating on a next level. I also struggle on using right words to use on my posts or organizing my thoughts but I could never take delight on using an AI no matter how professional I will sound coz that's not me anymore.
I feel the same. Have never even checked it out as see no reason to. If I want to say something to the community or my followers, I say what I have to say and not what AI says.
I just want to add that AI has not figured out how to write from the heart or insert emotion. You won't find an AI article that will bring tears down your face or one that will have you rolling over in laughter. AI may form correct sentences or facts but it lacks the human factor. I find there easy to spot. I too have seen well written article to see the person in the comments all over the place, it makes you scratch your head.
You've come a long ways than, your English is better than mine and English is my primary language.
I'm doing an edit. I just seen someone I know get caught. I feel so tricked, I guess it is all around us.
I hope it never will. Otherwise humanity will be in deep 💩. Usually I stay away from those articles as I'm not interested and as a curator I don't value them either. As you say, it may give correct sentences but I'm not here to read academic papers, had my fair share of that and Hive is not the place.
Thank you for the nice words, I'm doing my best to be better every day and no, my English is not better than yours 😂.
Sorry to read that someone you know got caught. It's not a nice feeling, especially i you trusted them. But it happens all the time on Hive.
At least it wasn't the person who onboarding me but is someone that has showed me the way here, not to cheat though. Very disappointed I haven't said anything to him but want to. I'm still letting it sit on my mind. The worst part is he has a brilliant mind and has the ability to be useful to so many:(
That is indeed sad. I will never understand why people choose shortcuts, instead of contributing to build something amazing, like Hive. You're new, may not know the history of Hive, but the community has been through a lot with the hostile takeover and the fork and we're where we are because we care.
The other thing many don't understand is that the most precious thing you can have on Hive is your reputation and I'm not talking about that useless number next to your username. The only thing that counts is what you do on the chain and how you handle yourself. Once the trust is gone, you have nothing. Simple as that.
I read your article about reputation a week ago or so. It made think about a friend who started here like 6 months ago and was so worried about that number. I don't worry about the number because frankly I came here to read, write, engage and expand my virtual friends. So far doing just that has been fun. I also don't worry about making a buck because chances are I won't transfer anything back my wallet. Don't get me wrong I do want to grow but to benefit others not myself.
Yes, newbies are usually concerned about reputation and make it a monthly target to grow it. I was one of them once. Back then 68 was a huge number. Since then I've seen users with high reputation turn into abuser and stopped by the community. I've also seen users getting life saving help, literally, because the community knew who they were and what they have done on the chain. So there's a huge difference between that number and your real reputation on chain :) You keep doing what you're doing as that's the right way :)
I am with you on that.
Mind boggling where AI will take us considering that this thing is already very impressive at its first stages. You ask ChatGPT the most weird specialised questions and it answers like a pro. I saw it writing code for a guy who asked software to replicate a specific guitar pedal and it even developed the code on demand for specific requirements a few times later. Though it might answer like a "pro" at times as it kinda sums up internet wisdom at the moment. Which is not always wise.
Will AI make us more lazy creating a plus dependence on it or help us evolve further? I guess it has to do with how you use a knife. So, as usual, we'll cut things to our needs but also cut our finger.
Yes, those who are going to use it frequently, instead of doing the job themselves are going to go backwards. You can ask AI to do the job for you but that won't make you smarter. Plus if AI makes a mistake, which in programming can be fatal, you have no idea what the problem is or how to correct it. So I guess it depends on what way you want to go :)
Just to double check, this article was written by a genuine human being right? 😜
Would you believe me if I would tell you it was?
100%! It's a nice article and discussion to have I think.
Thank you! I tried my best :)
Totally agree with what you said, here at Hive you can earn money but that doesn't mean you act without rules, because we've seen from previous experience, power over who has more power, in fact in the future it won't last long and it's very messy.
Exactly.Some think decentralized means everything is allowed.
Omg this is great. I wanted to add some things like it to mine but ran out of room. You say it better than I could have!!!!
Thank you! I tried to show another angle of the matter. You see justification every single day, one more colored than the other, thinking we are all dumb.
Some people won't like it. I just got called 'authoritarian' etc on my post. Kinda expected. That's alright, we dont have to agree but I think you and I know it doesn't look good from the outside either.
It is very funny to me that people can defend themselves on this issue. There is no difference between sharing something you get directly from the internet and sharing something written by an AI. I totally agree with you, when you have an AI edit your writing, it's no longer your writing and you don't improve. How is using a translation app the same as using an AI? I have improved a lot linguistically during my time here and that's only because I talk and interact with people as much as possible. I see new words, I look up the meaning in the dictionary, I learn how to use it and I start using it. That's how it should work.
People can defend themselves on any issue. There's always an explanation and assuming responsibility for their actions is an unknown act. My favorite is when they say they fell victim of something they did 😂.
Both are written by someone else.
You can only learn the good old fashion way, there's no other way. Using apps to work for you is not learning.
To be honest, I have just now created an account in chatgpt. In the last couple of months everyone is speaking about it but until now I haven't made the decision to try by myself.
Honestly I would never think about using it here on Hive because for me writing on Hive is more like a therapy. It helps me to put my thoughts and ideas in order.
As I mentioned, still I haven't use it but I have a travel blog where I write now and then content purely for affiliate marketing and I'm hoping it can help me with these kind of texts that are boring to write and purely marketing oriented. If I really use it I will share my experience :)
I love this
I haven't even checked it out to be honest.
I've always enjoyed your writings because were real, talking about experiences, emotions, feelings. When you see AI written texts, you have the feeling that you're reading a dry, university textbook. I don't know about you but that's not why I am on hive.
I'm one of the not-a-fans of AI. More of the dumbing down in my eyes...
AI makes us dumber for sure. Imagine we have auto suggestion app on your phone, so when you're writing, you can select the word after typing only a couple of letters. This is how you forget to write correctly. Now AI is going to write for us. Where are we going? What are we going to be like this?
My attitude towards AI is pretty clear and simple. I don´t have anything against it in general and I believe it can improve and simplify things for people in many ways. However, it shouldn´t be used in places like Hive that has been, since day one, meant and designed as a platform for sharing original and creative content because there is nothing original and creative about using AI. At least not in my book. So I guess we are on the same page here, as usually ;)
I couldn't agree more. We are on the same page with this too. AI has its place, no doubt about it, but in certain conditions.
This is an interesting article that I think everyone needs to read and understand very well. Because writing with AI makes works easy for most persons and it's a cheat on most of us that try to use our head to develop and create content on our own. I would love if this can go round for every body to see before posting anything here on hive.
AI makes a novice a professional in all area of writing as you said above. Someone will post about how to treat cancer today then tomorrow telling us how to manage hypertension and then again how to care for a patient with an eye issues although a health professional can do that but not that easy for them. But with AI an engineer will tell us about how to treat disease and even educate us more on business and accounting. It's will be cool if this is looked into. Thank you very much for your advice. I wish it would help us all.
Lol, the truth is, everyone is entitled to make their own decision. As I said in my post, no one can stop you from using AI, but there are consequences.
Yes, you see some people posing as experts in everything. First there was plagiarism, now it's AI. There will always be an easy way to make a quick buck but that doesn't mean it's going to make the poster a better person.
It won't make him a better person at all. I'm new here sha and I'm happy I had to see your post somewhere and started following it up so I won't make mistake that will cause me my account.
I totally agree with what you wrote.
my English is bad, but since I've been on Hive I've been striving to improve and writing every day is a great exercise; obviously my posts written in Italian will make it better but, in the end, I think it's normal each of us has his own mother tongue.
Language to justify the use of AI is just a trivial excuse to justify the fact that in reality one is cheating, cheating, let's put it as you prefer.
What I think is that AI is bad for our amazing Hive ecosystem and those who use it to create content don't deserve rewards because they don't put any effort into it.
Obviously it's my thought, but that's how I see it.
Your English is not bad, trust me. I don't know about your Italian, I can read it but don't know enough to say it's better, but as it's your mother tongue, must be better I suppose :)
You may use AI to improve your writing but as I said in the post, your English would not be better. The only way to improve your language is to learn grammar and vocabulary and use it yourself.
I agree, I also believe that it is much more useful to learn grammar and learn to apply it.
I don't think using an artificial intelligence is a way to learn a language eh eh!
Artificial intelligence can most likely tell you what your sentence should look like, but that doesn't mean you know why or learn how to use it correctly next time. Do you think they go over the text they get and study it, making notes? Bullsh*it.
I agree, bullshit. We know very well that it is only an excuse to justify what, in my opinion, is in all respects a scam.
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Different strokes for different folks. One of our problems is that we tend to abuse things. It's sad really.
Like you said, we all have to put in the work to be better. I have started a one-post-a-day challenge for myself for the month of March so that I write everyday, alongside other practices.
Hive is a tool, AI is another, abusing them will get you nowhere and indeed....who are they trying to fool?
Hive is not a tool, I can tell you that. Hive is much more than that.
For me, it is a tool for learning how to stay consistent in writing, and entertainment for now at least. I am sure that as I learn more about it, my scope will widen. I take that from you though
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Word here... I used to use Quilbot to paraphrase my own articles to make them sound better but it got to the point that it started feeling like the post does not sound like me. It is not giving the same expression as I wanted it to, so I stopped.
When I get to the point I have no inspiration to write, I do not write, I do not force it. but I tap inspiration to write from my surrounding, from books I read, and from movies I watch. If I see a lesson or a topic I could make from conversations I make with people, I bring it yet, and share my plain thoughts on it and try to make it something my audience could relate to.
As much as growth is concerned, it requires one to be active in it and not cut through corners. This makes one conscious of his learning instead.
How could it sound like you when it was not written by you. After letting the bot rewrite your text, it's not yours anymore.
Another thing that happens often, people feel the need to write every day even when they have no idea what to write. Well, if you don't know what to write, then you have nothing to write, easy like that.
Your last statement is definitely it. Write when your have something in mind to write.
During my high school & college days, I was so dependent with my sister. She's the one who is the editor of my scripts, narrative or essays. But when I started working I have a realization to not depend on her anymore. If she can, then why can't I?right? I worked so hard and improve my grammar. Though I am not so vocal and I am way too confident in writing than speaking. It is so fulfilling reading my own piece, it's not perfect but I made it my own way. I don't care if someone read it or not but at least I have expressed my thoughts and feelings that's all that matters. I hope everyone could find there own way by not fooling anybody.
Relying on someone else to do the job for you sucks.
That would be great but there will always be those who cut corners and disrespect rules.
Yes, agree
Nicely put! Use at your own risk. You aren't getting what you think and you aren't fooling anyone. To quote Princess Leia "If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive."
I wouldn't say that quote can be applied here. They may get away with a couple of payouts, but why would the community vote such content? Rewards are for those who make an effort and it's our responsibility to rewards those who make an effort. What would Hive be with all AI content?
This blockchain is permissionless and solely works by the concept of value for value. Everybody can join and create. If something is considered valueable by someone, they vote for it. Otherwise, they dont. In this world, there is no space for self-proclaimed guardians making "rules" or "enforcing" a "content policy". They simply do not have an say or authority and are just bullies with a small mind.
I know a person I onboarded myself who uses all modern tools as aids in her production process. She openly states what tools she uses and puts in a lot of time and effort to post good content (writes her own text, aided by AI; makes her own pictures carefully crafting prompts, inpaints, editing the result). There is no reason for such content to decline rewards. Bullying such creators with mafia downvote gangs is disgusting. Smallminded dimwits who just want to make trouble out of personal lack mindset. It's if you would ask an artist to deny rewards because they use a brush or asking a writer to not earn, because they use a typewriter.
Your opinion is noted.
Lol. Your argument is pathetic as using AI is cheating and nothing else. Everyone who has worked hard on Hive knows this and why they will downvote posts that use this. There are no shortcuts and people thinking they can se AI and cheat need to wake up fast.
AI has been a hot topic a few of the people I am following are saying the same things. I am quite new, but love to write, my posts have had a lot of interaction, which in turn makes me more excited to do more, I have read a few of your posts especially the guides for new people and have found them very helpful. TeamPH will ensure that we do not fall privy to AI assistance.
I'm glad to hear that.
Hey Erika 🌼
I agree with you and could see this coming a mile away before it even hit Hive. It's going to be a huge issue with the education system around the world and that point - "you're not actually learning anything" is what scares me. I have never liked the "parrot fashion" style of learning in schools compared to a theoretical part and practical part woven together which makes learning far easier and can even be fun. Imagine that lol...but this? This is just the height of laziness and it makes my stomach churn.
By the way, I thought English was your first language - that's how well you write 😉 Hive has helped me learn so much in so many fields - but not just because I read, I interact with people and they often present new ideas and ways of doing things, new suggestions of tackling problems and so on. Can a fucking robot do that? Probably, but in which movie or sci-fi book ever written about robots has that ever ended well?
I stand for our community in combatting this BS. You like my new banner?
It is already a problem, unfortunately. Students tend to study to pass the exams and that's all. They get a diploma and think that piece of paper will work for them.
Lol, very nice of you to say that, looks like I've managed to fool you too 😂 but English is not my first language. I'm doing the best I can though.
You are right, Hive is helping people a lot, but only those who are willing to learn. We have different goals and this is why our journey is different.
I'm glad you're in this with us and I love your banner 😍😂
I think it's pretty obvious that most people will use AI because it's a lazy way to get rewarded. 😄
Having said that, I think this is a bit of Karma coming back to bite HW since they've hurt many innocent people in the past with their obtuse and harsh ways. Yes, they do much good but sometimes they are wrong and refuse to admit it. This ends up making some users quit Hive because they're not rich enough to fight back.
One recent case was a user flagged to hell because he posted in English and then another post with the same content but in Italian.
I see accounts such as HiveBuzz doing this without a problem. So why can't others do the same?
The posts will reach different audiences so it's not like one's being rewarded twice by the same group of people. I see nothing wrong with that...
But since they don't agree with that at least they should apply the same measures to everyone, not just to the little guy.
So now the universe is throwing more work at them. Ahahah! 🤣
My point was another and has nothing to do with HW. I was referring to the user itself and how using AI can or cannot help them learn.
I think there ARE some quite militant, authoritarian curators on HIVE that don't give people a second chance, a warning, etc. I totally agree that's far too harsh, and yeah, some people have been totally innocent - though many haven't. And yeah, whales vs the little guy is pretty shitty. Being 'flagged to hell' is an awful thing to happen.
I'd say a warning rather being flagged to hell would be better!
Then, isn't he trying to get rewards for the same content, twice? I mean I could translate my blog into French, Italian and Spanish and put it in three different posts and get rewarded by that logic?
I do agree with that!
If you speak well all of those languages I see no problem with that and you're reaching different audiences. Those who upvote the French post will most likely skip voting on the other two.
What HW tell people to do is to write all versions in the same post... and some people do that, but I feel like that is pretty confusing to the reader. You're reading one paragraph in English, then an Italian block appears and you need to be constantly skipping those parts. It's very annoying to the reader...
Oh I agree with annoying.
But if you write first in one language THEN the other it's not confusing. I recommend this in my community. It works.
It's pretty daft to write three posts all the same. We do have translation apps 😂😂 Anyone who does this just makes a mess of their blog 😂😂 with translation apps, it's all the same audience, which is HW argument. And fair enough imho.
I do understand where you are coming from though.
WOW, I am surprised that english is not your primary language!!!
You write so eloquently and positively. I don't know what AI is, but guess its cutting and pasting kind of thing? (I am the world's No.1 technophobe from a generation where pen and paper ruled the world).
If it is, to me that is just lazy and smacks of individuals being here just to ride the gravy train to fast buck riches,
You write so eloquently and positively.
And I'm surprised to read this, but thank you for the nice words.
You are right about the rest.
This is actually not an overstatement. I have literally seen it 100s of times. :)
Yeah, I am always wondering if they really believe what they say or just hoping the community would buy the story? 😀