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RE: Think like a leader: Week nine

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I couldn't agree more with your post - not because I am a lemming but because I have for many years held the same viewpoint. The example I often like to use is the downfall of music. Many musicians these days that make it big don't have any lyrical genius at their disposal, it's all about the money, babes and bling...and people eat it up. It's sad and quite pathetic.

There are so many people that are good examples and what I've noticed recently is that anyone that is articulate that makes a good argument simply gets labelled and outcast because they aren't going with the herd. The herd mentality is strong with lemmings and it is unfortunately going to lead a large portion of the population off a cliff face.

It isn't easy being a leader these days and staying true to the straight and narrow and there is more and more pressure from the media in all forms to simply follow the crowd. I don't think it's going to end well, but it does make me want to shout at idiots who don't actually stop to evaluate what they are following just for the sake of not being a part of the herd. I guess it's exactly that that sets leaders apart from the followers - articulating, dissecting and thinking.

Let's hope that things can be turned around, if not, I really do think that the downfall of society is going to just continue with increased momentum.


not because I am a lemming but because I have for many years held the same viewpoint.

This made me smile. (The, not a lemming part.)

The example I often like to use is the downfall of music

Indeed, soulless, manufactured rubbish mostly. A good example for sure.

Many are heading towards that cliff and most will go over, it is the way of it. Maybe that's what's required though, a mass self-culling.

there is more and more pressure from the media in all forms to simply follow the crowd.

Also yes, follow the crowd, be mediocre and don't set out to achieve any more than the minimum.

Let's hope that things can be turned around, if not, I really do think that the downfall of society is going to just continue with increased momentum.

Things can turn around. They can. But I'm pretty sure it won't...well, not until after the fall.

Well it's not going to be pretty to watch it happen, the best we can do is make changes where we can to maybe convince people to open their eyes and ears and see/hear things for what they really are.

Yep, prepare for the worst so when it happens it's not as impactful as it would be with no preparation.