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RE: The purple thread: A story from my youth

in Self Improvement2 years ago

This is such a sad piece to read, that anyone could treat another in that manner, that anyone thinks there is a superior race, color, religion ` Whatever. I am appalled by racism, I didn't grow up with it and I didn't raise my children with it. I have to say that growing up, my kids lived in many different countries, engaging with all the kids their age. Describing the kids as "the one with the yellow hat" or "the one with black hair."

Because that is what they were.

My son brought his girlfriend home from college for Christmas and he hinted that he thought she was the one.

When she came in and he introduced her to us, my heart lit up like the sun. She looked at him like he was a God and he looked back at her with such love in his eyes. They are married now and more in love each day if that is possible. You can probably guess that they were not the same color, but the best part is, that he didn't mention it to me because my kids are colored blind. They don't see color as differentiation of any sort.

All I am saying is those bullies who did that to you were raised by ignorant parents. I can imagine my kids would have a different outlook if I taught them differently. Of course, they can follow others and copycat them, but, many times, your upbringing will save you.

Your mother was a warm and kind soul. She taught you how to believe in yourself without lowering her standards. She didn't talk bad about them, but, rather raised you up. How hard that must have been to do.

You were so lucky to have her.

I would sew purple thread on every shirt too. I love that! ❤️


It was a very confusing time for me as a little kid as until school at five years old I didn't see people differently because of colour, creed or religion. Then I was called a filthy nigger and worse, hit, spat on, etc. My parents (one dark and one white) were also targeted through me and I just didn't understand; but I came to understand very quickly, about humans, and that's partly why I am who I am today.

I was raised to have ethics, morals, manners and respect, to be generous, kind and humble...But that doesn't mean I don't know how to act, or won't, when I see something I feel needs addressing.; I'm decisive and effective in that regard.

I'm happy to drop the hammer on people and have done so a lot; but never because of colour, nationality or so on, it's always based on the person as an individual and on their actions. I'll continue to be the me I've been shaped into because I know no differently, and will always follow my understanding of, and code of, honour and integrity.

So, being called a Nazi, anti-Semitic and racist didn't sit well with me. But I'm wise enough to know the person saying those things is clueless, and probably has more self-issues than he has the courage and ownership to address.

Thanks for your message Denise, I know you raised your kids right because you were raised right, and that it's a choice to be a good person.