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RE: Segments and sections

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I don't really understand people that can live life as if it doesn't matter. They actually suck the life out of me if I spend too much time with them. It is depressing, to say the least.

Have you ever spent time with someone that is terminally ill? Someone who is not ready to leave life? To throw in the towel? They grab on to life and enjoy every breath. leaving no moment behind.

It is actually a fairly simple task to get all your business together. One of my grandmothers had her entire funeral paid for and planned, right down to the flowers. Now, I am not that organized and gee whiz! Just bring me all the flowers, you know? But, after burying a couple of relatives without a clue as to what they wanted, if they had anything to disburse to their kids... basics? I vowed to never leave my people behind like that.

As for enjoying the segments? Every single one of them. Even if they are not always a joy, I hope to always find the lesson in them.

Hi, Galen!


People can zap or sap those around them with their thoughts, attitudes and actions. I try to do the former and, in so doing, I feel my life is a little more engaging.

I've buried people, my mother and father among them. Unfortunately I didn't have the option to have things pre-prepared for mum due to her stubbornness and the speed if her demise, but with my dad the whole situation was strategically planned and paid for ahead of time. It was a much easier and time.

I have my own affairs in order, my funeral paid for also. It's a private one, no announcements, ceremonies or anything. I don't like a fuss made over me and so it feels right. I feel happy knowing I'll not leave someone the burden of having to see to it at a time they may be greiving. People can celebrate my life, or my death, however they wish, I'll not be there. I'll be in Valhalla, or haunting someone. Lol.

I get the impression you're one who seeks the best in life, in big or small moments, and that you seek to do it a little better each day. It's a good way to be as it delivers a more fulfilled life. I'm the same.