Fat go Brrr - The journey to a new self - 02 - Fighting the daily monster

in Self Improvement3 years ago


So here we are, at the second post of the series. The initial enthusiasm is followed by the daily battle with the inner bastard.
What have I achieved so far?

01/22/2022235 lbs-
01/25/2022233 lbs-2 lbs

So as you see not so much changed in the last 3 days. The loss of 2 lbs might as well be the daily
As I mentioned in my last post I wanted to try to fast and therefore skip the breakfast. That was insanely hard and so I decided to not skip the breakfast but to replace it with something healthy: A green smoothie.


Yeah it looks much worse than it taste. Lets take a look at the ingredients, as maybe some of you might also like some healthy things for breakfast:

  • Handful (baby) spinach
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 Avocado
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • (otional) a tablespoon ginger
  • (optional) a tablespoon flaxseeds
  • a cup of water

Blend it all in your high speed blender and drink it as soon as possible. Add ice before blending if the smoothie gets to warm.

This is a real powerhouse for starting the day. And if you just buy all the ingredients for a couple of days you don't have to think about breakfast anymore.

For lunch and dinner I try out vegan recipes but for now it's almost always something with rice and vegetables for lunch and a salad for dinner. I need to take some more time to get some good, quick recipes.

In the next post in this series I might have some good recipes for lunch / dinner that I can share with you!


Hello @chanos. I understand all too well. However, I've read numerous times over the years that skipping meals in not the way to go for a sustained outcome. The healthy drink looks delicious. I may give it a try.

Good luck on your journey. Take care.

Yeah, maybe you are right and I should just stay to healthy alternatives instead of skipping meals.
Thank you for your comment!