Who's Responsible For Your Growth?

Don't be so quick to answer this question.

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We wake up and somehow before the day runs out, for some persons they get to eat once, twice, trice or more times in a day. As we eat, the effect that follows is human growth. We get to increase in body size and height as development takes place. As much as we eat, it's encouraged that we consume the right food which should be nutritious to our body. Of Course we know the consequences that follow when we do not eat properly. There is depreciation and deficiencies of various kinds we get to face.

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As much as we seek to grow and develop physically following the healthy things we do and take in, it's also very important that we do not forget our intellectual and personal development. As much as you are not okay when some persons drop some remark about our lack of increase in our physical body you should also not be okay when you're personally and intellectually deficient.

In our African setting especially here in Nigeria we are very familiar with the phrase “My Village people". A person's lack of progress, setbacks, failure, trial and errors are quickly attributed to that. We quickly conclude that somebody somewhere is fighting our progress. We get offended and remain angry at people who have in one way or the other have refused to lend us a helping hand. Before we begin to throw tantrums and get mad at people, the question we should have to ask ourselves is what exactly am I doing for myself and by myself. How am I helping myself become better? In what area should I channel my resources to see myself develop correctly.
A man who has access to right information and knowledge is not quick to get mad at people. Such individuals see life in a different perspective, because as they say knowledge is power but permit to rephrase that acquired knowledge backed up by great decision is your greatest arsenal.

As much we need relationships to thrive, as much it's also true that we even need recommendations of persons who has gone ahead of us in any path we have chosen to follow as far out progress is concerned, the greater part of responsibility of our growth and progress lies on us not really on the persons that we may be looking up to for a helping hand. This is in no way displacing the benefits of a community you may call your friends or even acquaintances, I mean in one way or the other we need assistance but then you really do have to come to that point where you begin to hold yourself responsible for your growth.

It's just very unfortunate that a whole lot of people are not after their personal development and yet, they want the life of someone who has put in so much hard work and effort for over ten years. You want to have what they have, be in where they have been to, travel to the countries they have travelled to, do the kind of stuff they have done overlooking their path of hard work and so much labour they had put just so they do not remain on the spot they were in some years back. Ofcourse, It doesn't work that way and even if you think it can all happen at the snap of a finger, you might be in a lane that will soon be knocked down by disaster.
Opportunities should not just come and meet you unprepared. Like the saying goes when opportunities meet preparation, success is birthed.
What are you doing currently to boost your growth?
Take that course!
Make that investment!
Start that vlog or blog!
Start that book!
Visit that person!
Just put your heart into seeing that you just have to get better as you thrive, starting with wherever you may be at the time.
