I honestly believe that we as people and as individuals have learned things this year beyond our knowing. All of us (well, except for maybe the young lady that used 11 selfies in her post today. Many of them showed other relatives but really.) have done things and are doing things as a matter of course that we NEVER DID BEFORE. I think that's going to be important.
Stretching ones psyche and mind always comes with stress and pain. Always.
I agree with you that there will be a crash. Will it be an epic crash that sets the whole world on a common path toward recovery? Will it be like a slow motion train wreck with one place crashing which triggers another? I do suspect it will be prolonged when it comes due to the collateral damage affects from several unique factors.
I also agree with your brother. You sound like you could use some 'recharge' time that isn't stripping walls and hauling junk. Maybe you could consider the possibility of getting naked with your barber? Maybe you could just take small steps someplace and just indulge her whims for a day? Maybe consider forgetting your phone?
I think it is going to be pile up, one collapse after another until all are dented and burning. Hopefully we are stronger for it, but the past tells a different story. Perhaps this time we will learn and make the moves we must - but again... The past.
I did tonight. Luckily, he only had a small mirror.
Talked to the wife about doing something simple instead of work. Let's see if it gets approved.