Well, one doesn't need to be a Norn to see how history gets to repeat itself as we go forward.
Again, just a generalisation, but certainly one that is applicable through society.
It tends to work out. Haven't you heard of the idea of Psycho-History? The idea that the decisions made by humans as a collective can be predicted by statistical information.
I'm not familiar with Psycho-History, but I know a few psycho or two.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Aren't we all? Well, it's a made up science taken out from sci-fi novels, but it sure makes a lot of sense.
A little bit yes. Re: psychos. Lol.
Haha! Would have more impact if he mixed up the edges though.
I bet! But some psychos are careful.
Not everyone that likes knives is a psycho lol. You guys are being very anti Viking for a Viking post Hahaha
Uhm, the psycho thing doesn't have anything to do with the Viking theme, it was just an off topic for something I mentioned.
Lol ok Bertrayo, I was just sticking up for my knife loving brethren (gosh, what is the female version of that word??), you know because knives are awesome :) Some people shouldn't play with them though (of the psycho persuasion obviously)
Have a good one bud.