
Lol ok Bertrayo, I was just sticking up for my knife loving brethren (gosh, what is the female version of that word??), you know because knives are awesome :) Some people shouldn't play with them though (of the psycho persuasion obviously)

Have a good one bud.



Lol, nevermind, different wavelengths. Just ignore my comment, I wasn't meaning anything by it.


Hey, I was just being as silly as possible, but things can be interpreted in many ways.

No need to apologize.

Silly is always good. I was butting into a comment thread while rather tired so the misunderstanding was totally my fault.

All good bud, have a great weekend. Make it count as awesome.


I have a thing about knives

I get your comment was guided by your love for knives. I like knives too and my silliness was just ongoing by G-dog's comment on psychos.

All good bud, have a great weekend. Make it count as awesome.

You have a good one too.
