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RE: Always more Potential to Waste

in Self Improvement • 2 years ago

Oh what a cute little glitter-tattoo! Now I want one.🙃

We can only act or react at any given moment based on what we know. It's important to consider all factors of course, to pick away at problems or reach out for opportunities, but we can only do so based on who we happen to be at the given point. Being the best we can be, under those conditions, is the best way to circumvent possible regrets later, although it may not prevent them. Also, when we regret things using hindsight, it's always best to remember that in that moment (in the past) we were acting/deciding/proceeding based on the best knowledge we had at the time...and to be kind to ourselves.

I hope this makes sense.

Becca 🌷


Oh what a cute little glitter-tattoo! Now I want one.

Do you have any?

I don't know if we can circumvent regrets, because we can always see a better way in hindsight, but what we can do, is accept that at that moment in time, we did the best we could and now, we know a little better for the next moment to arrive.

Your whole message above is what I meant to say, but didn't get the message across I guess. Sorry.

No, I have no tattoos personally, but a glitter unicorn? I could make an exception for that one I think.

Becca 🙃