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RE: Clutter and clearing

in Self Improvement4 years ago

Pretty darkish post for you, me I don't see the re-set that so many are seeing, I do see the recovery of society being reborn so to speak. From a distant view of each other to a closer view a view of what can I do to help. But I am the ever optimist, well most of the time.

The highs and the dips, it takes a lot o climb that ladder when you are a little kid, it was so far to get to the top. Slickery clothes the slipperiest you had. Then your little head get to the top, you pause at the top of the ladder and look down and all around and think it is a long long way down. Yet you still push on, you reach the top of the big ladder, not the little one not the one designed for the little kids, but the really really tall one. You glance down the steps you just climbed, see your brother looking up with a big smile as he takes off to the front. You put your butt down, legs stretched out like your brother said, you grab the sides and pull with all your strength, the freedom is exhilarating as you build speed go faster and faster, arms outstretched smiling laughing having a blast, the slight dip is just ahead, you see it coming, you scrunch forward just a little, and zoom, airborne, you are flying by the seat of your pants, nothing but air, then the landing two point landing on your first try. Excitement and joy and glee fills your heart....

The climb can be hard, long and scary, sometimes we just need to look forward to the joy of the hard work, the results of our efforts will pay off in the long run. Just like when we were little kids and climbed the ladder of the big boys slide.


I feel that unless something drastic happens, the average will be screwed again.

Reading about the slide reminded me of summer, where they were scorchubg hot and could fry an egg. The trick was to try and keep a little cloth between the metal and skin, but there were plenty of burns :)

yep summer slides, I guess that was where they got the term Hot pants. Fall and spring was always the best seasons for sliding.

The middle class does seem to take the brunt of most change, the poor will be looked after, the middle class will either survive and grow or become the new poor. I really don't see just the three tiers most people talk about, rich, middle class, poor. In a lot of ways it is also attitudinal. I don't think you can ever really make a middle class person poor if they don't want to be poor.