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RE: Think like a Viking: Part fifty one

in Self Improvement3 years ago

"When you feel like you've gone beyond the glass being half empty and it is at zero - try looking at it differently. You still have the glass, your next mission is to choose how to fill it".

Your quote on eagles resonates with me. It is often when we feel we are at our weakest point, the verge of breaking that we have the greatest ability to unleash the most powerful version of ourselves. Why? I think it is because when you get to that point your ego falls away. This is when you can really dig deep and find the courage to push aside pride and facade and truly face yourself. Ask the right questions, become more self aware and then put in place or plan your next step to overcoming or pushing beyond your current obstacle.

Depression, PTSD & CPTSD are very real when you're in the thick of it as you have said in your post and yes, we all deal with these differently, but we all have that innate ability to get through it, the human species wouldn't have come this far without it. Ultimately it comes down to the choice of how each person will choose to show their claws or not.

I hope that the person you refer to will find his courage and use it to claw his way out.


I like that quote, and the use of the word mission. It indicates that evaluation, planning and strategic action is required...because it is.

Facing ourselves is often the greatest battle and you have, in mt humble opinion, spoken correctly, *the dropping of one's ego and the façade we show outwardly can be a big step towards the ownership, responsibility and honesty we must display to ourselves to find the courage you speak of.

Ultimately it comes down to the choice

So...You're in my head? This is exactly what I was thinking as I wrote this post. The choice to act or not, indeed, the choice to find the reasons for the right attitude or not.

You like my quote do you? Thank you, I will wear that as a badge of honour!

Facing ourselves is often the greatest battle

This is exactly it. Honesty at your most vulnerable point. It can be the turning point to better things.

It's a good quote, yes.