Started this morning in the forest next to the house

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

A very beautiful morning for the fungi lovers family wherever you are, the warm welcome in the post one day ago made me come back with other mushrooms today with mushrooms in Fungi Lovers comunity.

Pagi yang sangat indah untuk keluarga fungi lovers dimanapun kalian berada, penyambutan hangat di postingan satu hari yang lalu membuat saya kembali dengan jamur lainnya pada hari ini dengan jamur di komunitas Fungi Lovers.




























The natural universe, or often referred to as the jungle and also often referred to as a natural forest full of contents, is still neatly shrouded there.

Alam semesta, atau sering disebut dengan rimba raya dan juga sering disebut sebagai hutan alam yang penuh dengan isinya, masih terbungkus rapi di sana.

This morning in West Indonesia, I walked while holding my cellphone and didn't forget to bring a macro lens to take small objects on the trip.

Pagi ini di Indonesia Barat, saya jalan-jalan sambil memegang handphone dan tidak lupa membawa lensa makro untuk mengambil benda-benda kecil di perjalanan.

An empty, peaty spot on my right and I went straight about 10 meters into the bushes,

Tempat kosong bergambut di sebelah kanan saya dan saya lurus sekitar 10 meter ke dalam semak-semak,

The fear is certainly there, because I am alone, but I am not too far into the empty forest,

Rasa takut itu pasti ada, karena aku sendirian, tapi aku tidak terlalu jauh ke dalam hutan yang kosong,

There are some fallen logs & trees, I approached to see the mushroom object, coincidentally now it rains where I am often, and of course there are many types of mushrooms scattered in the forest.

Ada beberapa batang kayu & pohon tumbang, saya mendekat untuk melihat objek jamur, kebetulan sekarang hujan dimana saya sering, dan tentunya banyak jenis jamur yang bertebaran di hutan.

That's a little story of my story this morning, and let's enjoy together with two forms of mushrooms from me today.

Itulah sedikit cerita dari cerita saya pagi ini, dan mari kita nikmati bersama dengan dua bentuk jamur dari saya hari ini.


I brought home some mushrooms that I can eat and look forward to my next post about mushrooms.

Saya membawa pulang kerumah beberapa jamur yang bisa untuk saya konsumsi dan nantikan postingan selanjutnya dari saya tentang jamur.

because my area is currently in the rainy season, naturally a lot of wild mushrooms will grow in this universe.

karena didaerah saya sekarang sedang musim hujan, dengan sendirinya akan banyak tumbuh jamur-jamur liar di alam semesta ini.



It is curious how mushrooms can help and harm us at the same time. Helpful because there are edible mushrooms for the hand group as well as for animals and insects, but bad because there are some poisonous mushrooms and not having the knowledge can be dangerous.

I congratulate you for this nice work, I loved it very much. A big hug

Thanks @pavanjr , I'm late in replying, running out of badwin, and I've filled it in a bit through my friend, thank you for appreciating my picture.

awesome macros! the post is supported by FL community account.

Thanks to appreciate my posh , I will continue to post here about mushrooms, may I become a member here

yes, you may. do more posts and entitled to member status. but this status dont give any benefits at all. just for fun. ✌️🍄🐌

🤣🤣🤣🤣,,,Let me influence, lift me to be a mod, 🤣🤣🤣🤣,,,,

ok ok, I promise to lift you to the moad, after getting to level 70.

Hhhhhhhhhh ,hhhhhh ,,,maybe in 2026 Iam won't even reach level 70,, hhhhh . hhhhhh

we will not bargain about this, as we are at the bazaar, right?
okay, I agree to 66! the year 1966 was also a good one. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan ...

Very nice post and great fungi photography 😀 .. welcome to Hive by the way 👋

Yach ,, my brother 😘😘,,, thanks for support and aprecicy my post ,