Wild mushrooms grow on green grass

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago


I found this fungus in one corner of an empty garden filled with green grass. He was alone, his color was white and seemed to have just grown in the area.

Saya menemukan jamur ini di salah satu sudut kebun kosong yang dipenuhi rerumputan nan hijau, Ia hanya sendirian, warnanya putih dan sepetinya tampak baru saja tumbuh di kawasan tersebut.

For a moment I imagined living alone in the grassland, without other similar plants, only accompanied by grasses, what a poor mushroom.

Sejenak saya membayangkan hidup sendirian di padang rerumputan, tanpa tumbuhan sejenis lainnya, hanya ditemani rumput-rumput saja, sungguh jamur yang malang.







I took several pictures using a Canon M100 camera, the results were very impressive, the mushroom plant looked elegant even though he was alone there.

Saya mengambil beberapa gambar menggunakan kamera Canon M100, hasilnya sangat mengesankan, tumbuhan jamur itu tampak elegant meski dia sendirian disana.

Trying to find out what type of fungus I found, I also tried to search it on google searching and found this type of plant. And I was amazed by the name of the Fairy ring mushroom [Fairy ring] or known in Latin Marasmius oreades.

Mencoba cari tahu jenis Jamur apa yang saya temukan ini, saya pun mencoba mencarinya di google searching, dan menemukan jenis tumbuhan ini. Dan saya pun terkesima dengan namanya adalah Jamur cincin peri [Fairy ring]
atau dikenal dalam bahasa latin marasmius oreades.





That's my photography post today, I hope you all like it and enjoy your activities for Hive Blog friends

Itulah post photography saya hari ini, semoga teman sekalian menyukainya dan selamat beraktivitas buat teman-teman Hive Blog


Teuku, thanx for sharing those nice photos.
Is this mushroom comes from Aceh?

Sadly, you've got a wrong iD for it (well, your App got it wrong, I am sure).

Marasmius oreades, or 'Meadow honey agaric', is a very common mushroom here, growing from late spring to mid-autumn. Its characteristic features:
It has a very specific spicy smell in its raw form, and after cooking it has a very good mushroom aroma and an even better sweetish-flexible taste, thanks to which it can be deservedly attributed to a delicious mushroom! Fruiting bodies appear in large colonies, "witch circles". The edge of the cap is uneven, ribbed. The cap's color is usually yellowish brown, not white (darker in the center and lighter towards the edges). The older the mushroom, the more it fades.

The grills are very rare and quite of sufficient high size. At a young age of mushroom, they are white, then over time become creamy.

The stem. The pulp in the stem is tough and fibrous.

This is how it looks like.


Ergo: the mushroom you took photots of, is something different. Maybe other experts will tell what it is.