More fruiting bodies have emerged – Pink Oyster mushroom kit

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago (edited)

It has been around ten days since I did my last update on the kit, the large cluster we saw last in my recent post has turned from a cream pink to a darker red color. The tips of the mushrooms seem to be turning dark, not sure what that is about. I keep spraying them twice a day, but wonder if they truly need a tent to live in to keep them in high humidity. These kits are cool, but sometimes they understate the care some fungi need. Our house stays pretty dry in the winter, which is not great for fruiting mushrooms.. which like humidity levels in the 80%+ range.. It is probably around 50% in our home. So by giving them a dozen or so sprits from the spray bottle twice a day helps some what.

Since I have not grown these before its hard to say when they will be done. But looking at pictures on the Internet I see there are examples of mature Pink Oyster mushroom fruiting bodies and mine are not there yet.

I moved the the block over to a window with more light as suggested by a follower one of my previous posts on this topic. It surely seemed to cause a change. Mostly more pinning around the base of the opening. And some pinning under the plastic, will show more of that later in this post.

Pinning occurs when the fungi block feels threatened. By fruiting they can reproduce and grow somewhere else, which is why they do this when in danger. Not sure why it feels in danger, maybe the low humidity levels.

Maybe a little bit of air and space under the plastic has let them form. Normally they should just come up where I cut open the bag, and scratched the surface.. Not inside the bag.

The new pins that are coming up around the cluster seem much larger than the first cluster of fruiting bodies.

It would seem the first cluster has stopped growing, a few days now it has not done much. But with these new fruiting bodies shooting up I will see if they pause as well.

Some of the sides are not pinning under the plastic, just a couple spots. It should just look like a snowball under there without the pinning of the pink mushrooms.

Looking from above we can see how the older mushrooms have black tips and are much darker than the newly formed fruiting bodies.

I hope that large cluster that started first gets back to growing. I will keep misting them and such and see it it helps.

It also seems to have formed a void in the middle, pointing at it with my finger.

Cool seeing the gills of the mushroom, under them is where the spores will form. Those are what I must keep out of the cannabis tent, while letting their gas (co2) in.

When I grow the 5 gallon buckets I will make sure this fungi is in a humid environment 24/7. I think the misting is not enough and causing some strange growth habits.

Still smelling like fish, lol its a trip.. I guess that is where it got its name partially.

While I was taking pictures of the fungi block and its fruiting bodies this little guy dropped off it.

It is a Asian lady beetle, not to be confused with Lady bugs. They are usually more yellow and not just red, also have more spots on them compared to Lady bugs. These are all over Central Virginia and are great for eating pests.. when not living in your siding outside your house, or annoying you while working outside. They will bite you, so best not to handle them.. unlike Lady bugs. I brush them off of me when they land, I have yet to be bit but now people that have.. Its not that bad I hear but still do not want to be bit by

But I am happy to have them as they eat many bugs that cause problems for my cannabis plants. I will do a post on that eventually... I saw @mangopie talk about them as well. Great for the grow tents, as they eat spider mites and other soft bodied insects.

Wiki link to insect species.

I just left it be, seems it was a bit shy pulling its head under its armor.. So I just finished up my photography of my fungi block and left it be. Wondering what it was doing there, it was probably drinking some water that I spray on the fungi. Or maybe there were little critters on it the Asian lady beetle was eating. Not sure but it may be a sign of something causing the fungi to pin like that.. Not sure what it all means, but maybe related. I did not see any others there, just one lone Asian lady beetle.

So now I will keep an eye on the block and see how it forms those new fruiting bodies. Hoping it all comes out right and I can harvest the fruits, but for now I will let it grow some more.

Previous posts on this project:


You spoke very well about these ladybugs, yes they are not very good for man, but as long as they are guarding our girls they are welcome ;). Thanks for the mention.

The mushrooms have grown so much since the last time I saw them, I've never seen this type of mushroom before, they are also very beautiful to look at.

Ah no problem.. hehe yeah they are changing almost every day.

first time seeing a yellow lady bug

They are pretty common in Virginia.. A little too common as they are found in big clusters.. lol

The tips of the mushrooms seem to be turning dark

Hopefully this is normal.... You take Good of these Fungi. I believe Oyster mushroom will continue to Grow... This pink one is kinda Beautiful.

Yellow Lady bug? Nature always surprise.... I have only seen red ones before. Glad to know more about it. Hope You're Having a great Sunday!

Yeah me too, time shall tell...

Hehe yeah, they are asian lady beetles.. a little different from a lady bug.

Noice.. hehe!

Nature is Amazing for many reasons... always surprise.

WOW!!! Fungi galore!!!
And my first sighting of an Asian Yellow Bug!
Thanks for sharing!

Hah yeah I dont remember seeing them on the west coast, must be an east coast bug.

No problem :-)

Haven't seen the Yellow Asian bug before now, but I have seen it now in your article. I think the mushroom changing colour is normal and I love it.

I love mushrooms and, the pictures taken here are so beautiful with high picture quality. Well done

Wow that's pretty amazing I thought they were more common..

thanks much, glad you liked the photos.

You are welcome, how are you today?

doing good.. thanks

You welcome

When mine pinned under the bag like that I thought it would be a good idea to make a slit to let them grow out. Not a good idea. The mushrooms by the void almost look like aborts and the outer part of the bag is still fruiting. You might be able to trim off the top darker colored mushrooms and let them start fruiting again.

Ah gotcha, well good to know.

Okay I will try trimming it back, seems it has stopped growing now so your probably right.

Wow man, that change is impressive. It looks like a baked bread haha. That little lady bug going to protect us from spideeyy

Haha it sure does.. and I hope it does.

Puede que este cambiando de color porque esta perdiendo humedad, eso pasa cuando uno recolecta en el bosque, cuando llega uno a casa ya cambiaron de color la mayoría.
Que especie es?

Oh okay, good to know.. Yeah I am afraid of that. They say you just need to mist it but I think it needs to be grown in a humidity tent.

It is a Pink Oyster mushroom.

WoW! They've grown a lot since I last saw them. They do have some funky shapes not ;)


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I am happy you waste your downvote mana on me, you idiot!!!


Nomnomnom Spam is fun you fucking retard

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I am happy you waste your downvote mana on me, you idiot!!!


Nomnomnom Spam is fun you fucking retard

Make hive a better place with curation and bully new users by @solominer. Every investor in hive should downvote all your shit and counter vote the downvotes on new users.

I am happy you waste your downvote mana on me, you idiot!!!