Oh no, looks like you have dog vomit slime mold on your hands... Better move it out of there or it will always be growing after you water the beds.
Oh no, looks like you have dog vomit slime mold on your hands... Better move it out of there or it will always be growing after you water the beds.
Well it nevver came back aaaaand I am a mushroom lover so I can't just kill it 😲
Slime molds are known to be very smart and intelligent in finding new pathways afair from the mushroom docs I have seen.
I have also some other species growing in the other beds, I'll take pics of them, too. Just lovely to see other shrooms growing which are not coming from my introduction. (I am spreading lots of Psilocybes (meadow and wood species) in my garden by tossing used and/or partially molded cultures.)
A good and healthy ecosystem MUST HAVE shrooms 😍
True, I read recently that there's a compound in dog vomit slime mold that kills certain cancer cells.