Mushroom Monday - Not Much to Show

in Fungi Lovers4 months ago

Sadly I haven't been out in the forest much for #mushroommonday

I did see these cool mushroom lamps at a reptile show. I'm not sure exactly how they made them but they looked fairly hand made. I might get one of these for my office's white elephant gift exchange.

I found the mushroom lamps at a reptile show. There were quite a few impressive vivariums too. I could see a few shelf fungi looking cool added into one of these setups.

Or better yet, since there is constant mist being poured onto the moss maybe some oysters could be plugged into some bark logs. They might overtake the whole vivarium though.

Who knows what fungi might do to the reptile you add to the vivarium... I suspect a gecko would fare better in a misty environment compared to a large iguana.

Better to put an arthropod in with any fungi like this large millipede. They might eat all the fungi crops though.

Perhaps I can start an interesting fungi vivarium over the winter. The trick will be getting the right plant and fungi combo.

Adding a critter to the mix would complicate things. Supposedly these crested geckos are super easy to keep. They do poop on everything though.

Now for the only fungi find I've seen this week. This looks like a strange mold that caught and killed a bunch of millipedes under a tree. Maybe they ate it and died, or their dead bodies are producing the mold... who knows.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Cool lamps and some cool creatures 😎
Maybe later… hahaha

Maybe just a mushroom vivarium would work. Probably a full time job keeping it mold free.

I think you are right… will be difficult.

Sadly now sketch.and.jam only finds mushrooms at the stores and other places they are for sale. Its a dark day for #mushroommonday fans. I'm surprised you aren't pumped to just go with some reptiles.

They also had dogs there and my wife was really bugging to get one. I always end up the bad guy in rejecting requests for animals lol.